Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 11
There Is No Alternative For Sahaj Yog
"This is a great country, Australia has been created for a special purpose in Sahaja Yoga. This is the Mūlādhāra chakra, where resides Śhrī Gaṇeśh, of this world. How important it is to keep this center awakened within us.
The information about My coming can only be broadcasted from this center. Then the world Kuṇḍalinī is going to rise. When you are putting your hands towards Me, then the Divine Love passes though your fingers, goes down through your Iḍā and Piṅgalā and informs Śhrī Gaṇeśha about My presence, and then the Kuṇḍalinī rises.
Wisdom is the center of gravity within us which gives us the fulcrum for which we rotate, by which we realize that we are inclined to the left or to the right.
How there are ... there is no alternative for Sahaj Yog, no alternative, one must know. Everything that is living has no alternatives.
You are specially blessed people in the Heavens, and [you] are sent on this Earth to do this Mahā Yoga, to spread it.
In fearlessness, you become the witness. You see the joke, joke behind all this extreme behavior of another person. And also you know the technique, kauśhalam. Yoga also means kauśhalam, means, means technique. How to manage the show, by which, his action doesn't bother you. If you want to. If you don't want to, you can even take the action upon yourself, to prove it that, 'Whatever you are doing is little silly and stupid.' "
1981-0321 Birthday Pūjā, Wisdom, Āśhram, 10 Clarence Street, Burwood, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Links to suggested talk: vimeo
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
Yearly Topics Team