Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 13

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You Have To Have Faith In Yourself And Faith In Sahaj

"Is very significant for Sahaja Yogis to understand the great event of His Resurrection, by which He showed that the Spirit does not die. He was, He was the Auṃkāra. He was the Logos and He was the Spirit. That is why He could walk on the water.
In Sahaja Yoga, now, you have transformed yourself. [Smiling:] I would say your Kuṇḍalinī has done the job. But still the difference between Christ and you is this: that you are coming from that environment, that style of life, that kind of thinking which was all for your destruction. Everything, if you see now, is for your destruction.
So, for a Sahaja Yogi it is very important that, after coming to Realization, he has to be very introspective. Instead of seeing the bad of others, he should try to see what is bad in within himself. Is very important that you have to know how far you are going towards your spirituality.
I have seen people who go very high in Sahaja Yoga, come up very high and suddenly they go down very low. Is, makes Me very sad, extremely sad. The reason is that they have no faith: faith in themselves and faith in Sahaj. This is the faith which is missing.
You have to have faith in yourself and faith in Sahaj.
As I have told you, always in Sahaja Yoga we trust people. We trust! One among hundred might deceive us. Doesn't matter, we trust! That faith you put in that person works in his mind also, that, `They have put so much faith in Me.' "
1993-0411 Easter Pūjā, Faith or The Resurrection in Sahaja Yoga Is that Your Faith Is Solid, Nirmala House, Vocabolo Alboreto 10, Magliano Sabina Latium (70 kms N of Rome), Italy

Links to suggested talk: vimeo

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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