Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 17 on the Ninth Day of Vasant Navarātri
Marriage Is Very Important In Sahaj Yog
"It is one of the most important things for Sahaja Yoga, that one should get married.
One has to understand that fidelity is the basis of marriage. If there is no fidelity, marriage has no meaning. If you are not capable of being fidel [loyal/faithful], that means you are not yet a human being. A human being has to be a fideler [loyal/faithful] being.
Now the marriage is for the reproduction of the species, as they say. Now as you are another specie now, you are Sahaja Yogis, it's a new awareness, marriages between you will bring forth children of very high caliber. There are Great Saints who are anxious to get married ... get birth on this Earth. And if they find good Sahaja Yogi husband and wife who love each other, are good, progressive people in Sahaja Yoga, who are dedicated to Sahaja Yoga, they would be definitely descending on this Earth through you.
So, it is very important and imminent, at this time, that one should understand the value, the value of the marriage of Sahaja Yoga.
So the promise is to the fire, in this marriage, promise is to the fire. Because fire is the one that burns off all that is ugly. And Kuṇḍalinī is also like a fla ... fire on one point, because that's the only energy that rises above. You see, so like the fire goes upward, the Kuṇḍalinī also rises upward. That's why it is compared to the fire. But fire is the energy which is in the stomach, which is the dharma, which is the religion. And the religion of the Sahaja Yogis is to keep in the center, not to go to extremes. And when they get married, by their understanding of Sahaja Yoga, they pull each other towards the center, much more, and enjoy themselves the present, the present moment, and the present as it is."
1981-0407 Śhrī Gṛuhalakṣhmī Pūjā, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Links to suggested talk: vimeo
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
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