Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 21

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We Are People Who Are Gaṇapatis

"...... we are all just the same. That's one of the very important things we have to achieve. That we are all just the same, there's no difference between us.
Apart from that, from ... for our mundane life, uah is better that we stay in the Āśhram because children are looked after, children become much more social, sensible, and they understand meditation. And there's some sort of a discipline about it, meditation, people do meditation.
But without Āśhram, I don't think you can be Sahaja Yogis, by any chance. By any chance, take it from Me. You cannot be Sahaja Yogis and you cannot be protected either. Not at all.
I already told you, in Sahaja Yoga there are two forces: centripetal and centrifugal. So, according to the centripetal force, you are attracted in the center. But [centri]fugal, you are thrown, at a time that. But when you get out of the control of God's Regime, then you fall into the trap! Anything can happen to you!
Because if you are in Sahaja Yoga, you'll be looked after, your jobs, your health, your children, and then I've no worry at all. [In] every way, you'll be provided for. Because Sahaja Yoga is such a caring thing, it cares for you. But if you don't care for your own Sahaj Yog, you have to suffer. Suffers in such a long way. Don't support your wives or husbands in this kind of a nonsense. If they do it, you say, 'We are going to leave you, go to Hell. We have nothing to do with you.'
Children always like company. They feel lonely if they are given eh-eh-eh some separate. They don't like it. Mean they are with company they enjoy. They don't like to live alone. Then why should we? We are people who are Gaṇapatis, we are innocent people, why should we have all other things like the useless grown-ups have? You ask children: as soon as they see each other, they'll hug, they'll kiss each other, they'll talk to each other. They always want the company of the children. You can't keep them separate.
Look [at] them how alert they are! What are you going to give them?"
1990-0319 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, We Are All Just the Same and Stay in the Āśhram (What Are You Going to Give Them), On Arrival, House, Canberra, Australia

Link to suggested talk: vimeo

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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