Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 42
Sahaja Yoga Is The Epitome Of Our Evolution
"I'm really enamored to see so many of My children. I have been able to find them back. It's such a great thing to see them, after such a long time.
While I came here ten years back and none of them could feel the importance of Mother's Love. And now it has worked! Such a tremendous thing has happened that it has worked, and that people are feeling that great thing called the subtle Energy of Mother's Love.
Now in these ten years I've been all over the world -- Australia, Europe, England, India -- but I must tell you, My attention was in America all the time. I was longing for the day when I would feel like coming back to this country, because I thought ten years back, it was too early.
They have to learn it, what Truth is. They have to go through it. They had been too cocksure. [Smiles, some laughter.] Unless and until it works out that way, they are not going to accept Sahaja Yoga.
But what do you accept in Sahaja Yoga? Is yourself, is your Spirit, is your power of Kuṇḍalinī. And by which the responsibility, that when you get this Realization, you have to settle down with it, know all about it, you have to become a guru, of yourself first and then the guru of others. In short: Sahaja Yoga is the epitome of our evolution. That is what we are made human beings for.
All these scientific methods that have come on this Earth, all these explorations that are there, are to communicate about Sahaja Yoga. Nothing else: they are not going to be used for anything else. If you use them for anything else, they will have no impact, no achievement, and everything will be wasted.
So now today the hero is, say, someone like Mahātmā Gāndhī or you had Mister [Martin Luther] King [Jr.] here, all such people, or you would say Abraham Lincoln, he is coming up as a hero.
What is so special about these people, we have to see. They were all realized Souls, no doubt, but one thing more they had, was: that they imbibed in them the capacity to emit compassion, love, nourishment, and soothing capacity of the Mother Earth. Because of that only they were today respected, they are today respected, as great heroes."
1983-1001 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Seminar, Day 1, Session 1, Kennolyn Campgrounds, 8400 Glen Haven Road, Soquel (10 kms ENE of Santa Cruz), CA, U.S.A.
Links to suggested talk: vimeo, youtube
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
Yearly Topics Team