Celebrating 50 Years of Life Eternal Trust and its Objects, Post 13

3 minute read


Everywhere You Can Bring Sahaj Yog

"The complete working of the Divine depends on you people, wherever you are. How many you are is not the point. Wherever you are, how intense you are, how you want to work it out, how you want to put uh-uh-uh uh-uh-uh your attention to. Is very important: how you are going to do it. Because you people should understand the responsibility.
This world is getting drowned and I feel that at least eighty percent people will be finished. Ten would be hanging in between in limbo I think, really, and ten percent will be Sahaja Yogis the way it is moving in the West. Maybe in India may not be, I can't say. India is very fast moving Sahaja Yoga.
The another māyā is of power. And the power of money if they can avoid, then they try to have power over territory, of the land, this, that. That also made them mad quite a lot in the past. But now they are all fighting for some nonsensical land which will never belong to them: it stays here pe... permanently, eternally. But the fights are going on.
And that is the thing is that: illusive. That illusiveness is called māyā. And this illusiveness appeals to many people. Appeals: that's the point I'm worried about. Some things is illusive, then they go on running after that like a mirage, and ultimately they are destroyed.
So what you see, a picture just now is that at least so many ten percent people will be saved, at the most. But is a very sad affair because it has taken so much effort to make human beings, to make them all right, to make them sensible, and now what you find is that they are going to be all finished. Is too much to bear, too much to believe in, but it is going to happen, if you people do not take it up seriously and work it out.
For you, also, there should not be any illusions, because many of you are more busy with other things. To you other things are more important than Sahaja Yoga. But whatever you are doing, you can bring in Sahaja Yoga into that. Into anything you can bring in Sahaja Yoga: I said in politics, in puh agriculture, in social life, in your jobs, everywhere you can bring Sahaj Yog. By your own behavior, by your own uh-uh-uhs intelligence, you can bring in Sahaja Yoga into every field, which you have to think about: 'Where can we take Sahaj Yog? Where can we work it out?' "
1994-0410 Śhrī Mahāmāyā Pūjā, We Are All in Her Body, Marque, Āśhram, 24 Pukenui Road, Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand

Links to suggested talk: vimeo

14. To overcome the void between the material saturation and the unknown which is causing fear, restlessness, sleeplessness and tension leading to escapism from reality and false renunciation.
21. To unite all genuine Seekers of Truth divided by dogmas and ignorance so that Satya Yuga (the Age of Truth) is born out of the present Kali Yuga (the Age of Darkness) rather than complete annihilation. To harness all the human resources to achieve this great task for which mass evolution will be needed..

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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