Celebrating 50 Years of Life Eternal Trust and its Objects, Post 21

2 minute read


The Right Side Movement Is The Collectivity

"Today is a great day, for all of us, because we are celebrating the Guru Pūjā and remembering all the Great Gurus who came on Earth to teach the world about the Truth. So many of Them were here. And They tried Their level best to explain to humanity what is spirituality.
But is such a disparity that people never understood that spirituality is the most important thing we need, that we have to be one with the Divine Power.
That means: Sahaja Yogis can also become right-sided, but like Christ. Otherwise, if they are right-sided: they'll organize, they'll do all kinds of things and have problems of the right side. That's why I want you to avoid the right side.
But once you are fully a left-sided master of Sahaja Yoga, then it's very-very much needed to be a Complete Personality of Spirituality, that you should take to right side movement. And what is the right side movement? Is the collectivity.
So, talk about this to everyone, bring them to Sahaja Yoga.
Is a very important day, because, as a Guru Pūjā, they say that a guru canno-t give anything to you. But I can give you the advice, and the advice that you enlarge your heart, you become humble, and try to spread Sahaja Yoga with humility, not with aggressiveness. That is extremely important!
If you can do that, then you'll do full justice to this-s life, which is a spiritual life. Without that you cannot achieve, you cannot achieve, the strength of spirituality. For that, you have to understand that it's very-very important that you should give Sahaja Yoga a full chance, through your wisdom."
2002-0721 Guru Pūjā, Enlarge Your Heart and Spread Sahaja Yoga with Humility, Hangar (now Nirmal Temple), Albera Ligure, Alessandria, Italy

Links to suggested talk: vimeo, soundcloud

7. To cure people of their physical and mental ailments by blessing them with divine healing touch of Mātājī and other disciples who have developed their Collective Consciousness Self-realization.
13. To employ the energy of love to overcome hatred that is the cause of wars, disintegration and destruction by publishing and relating the spiritual experiences of Sadhakas which prove the universal laws of love.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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