Celebrating 50 Years of Life Eternal Trust and its Objects, Post 29
Leadership Means That You Should Be Able To Execute Sahaja Yoga Principles In Others
"In your lives, if people will see that you are very peaceful, good, helpful, collective people, then only Sahaja Yoga will spread. Not what I am saying, or what I am spreading, or what I am working out. It's a fact! That I always had a feeling that Sahaja Yogis should take to social work.
And so I would request you, all of you, to be little generous. The generosity should be towards social side of our world, which is very important to be attended to.
I hope you will understand that I have not changed the way. It's the path which is going now in a smooth way. We had to first climbing a very hazardous [laughing:] mountain, and now we have come to a place where we understand.
It will be very kind of you to understand that all these problems can be solved by you, I don't have to be there. I am there with you all the time, I am one with you all the time, so there is no need for you to come to Me for all these things which are absolutely under your control.
If not, you give up your leadership, so-called. Because leadership means that you should be able to execute Sahaja Yoga Principles in others, and work it out.
You have to absorb, absorb vibrations.
You have come here to get vibrations, to get more and more of that, and not to wile away your time talking this, that. No! You have come here to grow!"
2000-1029 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (3rd day after Diwālī Day), after Diwālī Pūjā, Lake Piru Recreational Area Campground, 4780 Piru Canyon Rd, Piru (87 kms NW of Los Angeles), CA, U.S.A.
Links to suggested talk: soundcloud
19. To build sanatoria, hospitals, nursing homes for the sick and invalid.
22. To open, organize and run local centers of the Life Eternal Institution in various parts of India and in foreign countries, the centers being opened on the distinct understanding that meditation is the path of the entire human destiny, and that all barriers of states, nations and races are artificial and irrelevant to Life Eternal.
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
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