2023 Birthday Centenary of H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Post 26 on the Nativity of Mother Mary

1 minute read


You Have Come To Sahaja Yoga To Ascend

"Today is a great day when we are celebrating Mahālakṣhmī's Pūjā.
You must be knowing that today is the day of Mary, Mother of Christ, who was Mahālakṣhmī.
Mahālakṣhmī's Incarnation is very important for Sahaja Yoga.
First, She establishes our dharma, by which we become righteous, we become religious in the real sense. After the light of Realization we cannot do anything that is not dharma.
As you know what is dharma is, and the maryādās, the boundaries of our behavior.
By the ascent, with this Principle, you achieve a personality by which you become a Universal Being. You understand the problems of your country and of your race, and you transcend to see what's wrong with them and how to correct them.
Even people come to Sahaja Yoga and they start going either to the left or to the right. One has to keep a proper watch. Because you have come to Sahaja Yoga to ascend.
Now, if you move to the right side, then you start fighting with your leader, finding faults with the leader, and, as Christ has said, you become "murmuring souls": you start talking ill about the leader.
There is no need to start some new methods.
If [they do] so, they should get out of Sahaja Yoga. This is the worst type of ego!
And one should not have anything to do with such people.
Already, everything has been researched in Sahaja Yoga. All the knowledge is already there.
The Christianity has failed because they did ... did not recognize the Powers of Mary."
1993-0908 Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī Pūjā, National Palace of Culture (NDK), Boulevard Bulgaria, 1463 NDK, Sofia, Bulgaria

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Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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