2023 Birthday Centenary of H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Post 31

1 minute read


Life Is For Giving Joy To Others

"So's today we are here to enjoy our joy. Our Ātmānanda, Nirānand and Paramānanda, all these we are here to enjoy, which are of eternal value.
So when you have joy, you have to be joy-giving. And if you are not joy-giving, that means there's something lacking in your Sahaja Yoga and that's why we have to come up now. We have to become Sahaja Yoginīs and Sahaja Yogis. That is joy-giving society. We can change our name, if you like, if not Sahaja Yoga is good: `Joy-giving Association'. [Laughter, laughs, applause.]
Gradually, you'll be surprised, only if you try, in your life, in your relationships, in your endeavors, to give light to others, to make their lives-ss better, not to show off, not to be egotistical, but in a very loving, beautiful manner, you'll really understand that you are the Spirit. Because Spirit loves. It loves.
So, you have to first understand that: life is for giving joy to others, because you are now Saints and your light has to give Joy."
1991-1110 Diwālī Pūjā (5th day after Diwālī Day), Joy and Happiness, Tent, Cabella Ligure, Alessandria, Italy

Link to suggested talk: video

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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