2024 Celebrating 50 Years of Sahaja Yoga in UK, Post 5
Just Allow A Space
"Now she asked Me, "What is the surrender?" Surrendering, as I am saying, that is to be done in three stages.
So the first point is to surrender by understanding rationally.
The more you start learning about vibrations, learning what they are saying to you, how they teach you, you'll learn about your Self.
Attention is not in the mind alone! Attention is all along. And is generated through your ... Is generated, I mean it is not generated we should say, but we can say it is, it is a sort of, looked after or maintained or a... attend[ed] to, through your liver. But, you see, the evolution of mind, as the mind grows up, you will see this attention becomes improved.
Then above, the God's Attention is not like yours. You see, your attention is much more than anyone ... that an animal's attention is, that you can realize. But God's Attention is manifold dynamic than yours is. So when you become [one] with That, you see, that Attention, becomes your attention: it starts flowing through you. So it forms in another way, that is the God's Attention, and you start getting the vibrations in the hand.
And you develop that sort of a sheath here, you can say, and you start feeling the vibrations. But again, when you go this way a little bit more, it stops. Or this way more, it stops. Again you bring it in the center, and gradually allow the space to be more. Now this is what is the surrender: is the space more there. Because you don't allow this to work out [ego], or this to work out [superego] but just allow a space. So it starts opening out.
When you allow this space to increase more, you see, then what happens: these chakras also open out. In these chakras your own Deities are there. They have their own thing and they are one with it, you see. So it works in unison. And that's why the integration takes place.
But this spacing, leaving this space itself, means surrender, in the normal way understanding. Because the Dynamic is there. [The] Dynamic is all-pervading, is working out. All right? It is all knowing. It is working out Its job. It is correct. But the problem is: your attention has not grown that subtle, is to enter into It. One [when] it becomes that subtle -- only human beings can become that -- it opens out this thing."
1978-0220 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, What Is the Surrender (Surrender, Will, Spirit, Attention, Mind), Āśhram, 234A Regent's Park Road, Finchley, London, UK
Link to suggested talk: NVA
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
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