2024 Celebrating 50 Years of Sahaja Yoga in UK, Post 15

3 minute read


You Are My publicity!

"So, when you get your Realization, first and foremost thing you must know about your physical self, which is not known to you so far. As soon as you jump into the Unconscious, you have witnessed it: that you come to know about your physical being, first about your self. You come to know what is your physical problem, where are you suffering: automatically you know that this is what you are suffering from. You don't have to go to a doctor to ask him for what are you suffering from.
When you put your hands towards Me, you understand your position, first of all. You do not realize Me, but you realize your Self. Immediately you feel the burning, or you feel the cooling, or you feel the smarting, or tingling, or whatever it is, all that s not indicative of Me, but is all indicative of you. Then by the vibrations that are flowing through My being, they are corrected. All these problems are corrected. Then when your machine is corrected, then the same mach... machine that Myself emits the vibrations or you receive the vibrations which are really Me. But that to an extent ... to that extent, which you have achieved the clarity and the sensitivity.
Today is the day when a Mother is being worshiped as a Guru, and is a very unique thing. So far, mostly the gurus have been men.
I too has [have] a Guru, and His name is Dattātreya. And this Guru is also created by Ādi Śhakti Herself. It's a very funny relationship that exists, because He is the father, He is the son, He is the brother: all the sublime relationships that can exist between a guru and a disciple who is a lady, who is a woman.
You will say: 'Mother, what can we do? After all, what are we?' That's a way of evading the issue.
But if you really want to see, you can do a lot. And that is what it is that: you are My witness. You are My publicity!
So, today you have to take some vows. And you have to say: that, 'We are going to do these things. We are going to talk about Sahaj Yog, we are going to propagate it, we are going to spread it. And what may come, we are going to surrender ourselves to Mother. Even, if She's supposing, scolds us, or says anything it is for our good. And we are not going to get confused.' And that's how you have to absolutely vow that you are going to dedicate yourself to Sahaj Yog to help others, to e... emancipate, and to create atmosphere for the completion of this universe, of this creation, for that fruitful day when we will say: that the Kingdom of God has been brought on this Earth.
So today is not the day for Me to give, but for you. You have to announce."
1977-0701 Guru Pūjā (Guru Pūrṇimā Day) (first more formal Pūjā in the West), Self-realization, Living Room, Gavin Brown's Geological Institute (Terrace House), 160 North Gower Street, 2nd Floor, Euston, London, UK

Links to suggested talk: SL

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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