2024 Celebrating 50 Years of Sahaja Yoga in UK, Post 19
I Reside Within You As Chastity
"Śhrī Gaṇeśha is the first Deity that was created, so that the whole Universe is filled with auspiciousness, with peace, bliss, and spirituality. He is the Source. He's the Source of Spirituality.
But it has been so unfortunate, specially in the West, that the most important, fundamental Deity has been, completely, not only neglected but insulted and crucified.
But first of all chastity pays dividend in your good health!
And the vehicle we have is our chastity!"
So, respecting your chastity is real respecting Me, because I reside within you as chastity. If Śhrī Gaṇeśha is the auspiciousness, I reside within you as chastity.
Chastity is never aggressive, is never harsh. Because there's no need, you know! No need, you are so powerful. You are so powerful, that there's no need to aggress anyone. Why should you aggress? You are not frightened of anyone.
It's so generous, it's so kind, it's so beautiful, always fresh and young, yet so sublime and so dignified.
1985-0804 Śhrī Gaṇeśha Pūjā, Brighton Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton, East Sussex, UK
Links to suggested talk: SDL video and NVA audio
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
Yearly Topics Team