2019 Shri Krishna Puja

8 minute read



"Today we have gathered here to worship Shrī Kṛiṣhṇa’s incarnation. As you know that Shrī Kṛiṣhṇa is the incarnation of Nārāyaṇa, of Shrī Viṣhṇu. So in every incarnation they carry all their qualities, all their powers and all their nature with them. So when He incarnated He had all the qualities of Nārāyaṇa and then that of Rāma, but every incarnation tries to rectify whatever in their previous life has been misunderstood and have been carried to the extremes. That’s why they have to come back again and again.
So as Shrī Viṣhṇu, when He thought of taking His incarnation, because He is the one who is the preserver. He’s the preserver of this creation and also the preserver of dharma. So when He took His incarnation He had to see that people keep to their dharma. By keeping the dharma all right only, you could get your realization."

1989-0814 Shrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Secondary School, Saffron Walden, UK

Aum twameva sakshat Shri Krishna sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala devyai Namo Namah!
You are The supreme power of the dark-blue God (the eighth Incarnation of Shri Vishnu)
You sowed the seed of Spirituality

"Today is a great day for all of us to be jubilant that the Primordial Being Himself incarnated on this Earth as Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa.
So many aspects of His being have been described in so many of My lectures to you all; but the greatest and greatest of all the aspects of this Primordial Being was that He was the Yogeśhwara. He was the ‘God of Yoga’ – Yogeśhwara. He was the Lord of our Union with the Divine. Without His permission and without His sanction we cannot be Sahaja Yogis. He was Yogeśhwara and a real Yogi is a person who gets this Yogeśhwara awakened within him. The word ‘Yoga’ that we understand is the Union of our attention with the Divine."

1982-0815 Śhrī Yogeśhwara (God of Yoga) Pūjā, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, Clapham, London, UK

Aum twameva sakshat Shri Yogeshwara sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namo namah!
You are the Primordial Being.
You are the Ishwara (God) of the Yogis.
You are the God of Yoga.
You are our ideal in its highest glory.
You are sublime and the source of sublimity.

"Now, as you know that United States or America, the whole of it, is the Viśhuddhi chakra. Out of which, we have three sides to the Viśhuddhi chakra. So the central part of the Viśhuddhi chakra is United States.
The central part of the Viśhuddhi chakra is governed by Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa. And His Power is Rādhā. Rādhā. ‘Rā’ means energy, ‘dhā’ is the one who has sustained the energy. ‘Rā-dhā’.
The word Kṛiṣhṇa comes from the word – kṛiṣhi, means – the plowing, or you can say, agriculture is called as ‘kṛiṣhi’. The one who plows and puts the seed in the soil, is doing the kṛiṣhi. And, that’s why "he’s called as Kṛiṣhṇa.
Now, the seed that he has sown, is the seed of spirituality. It is Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa who said, in Sanskrit “Nainaṃ chindanti śhastrāṇi, nainaṃ dahati pāvakaḥ, Na chainaṃ kledayanty āpo, na śhoṣhayati mārutaḥ” [Bhagavad Gītā 2.23], meaning – it cannot be, means, the spiritual life or you can say, the eternal life, or the Spirit, cannot be killed by anything, by any weapon, neither can be blown away by air, nor can it be sucked in, nor can it be destroyed."

1983-0918 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, House of Dr. Vinod Worlikar, 17301 Maria Avenue, Cerritos (32 kms SE of Los Angeles), CA, U.S.A.

Aum twameva sakshat Shri Americ'eshwara sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala devyai Namo Namah!
You are the lord of America

"As soon as you become the Spirit, you get powers. One of the powers you get is of ‘Collective Consciousness’, that is also the gift of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa and that you start feeling the collectivity. Your ego and superego are sucked in, so you get rid of your karmas and your conditionings and a new sprouting of the new life of the new age starts. But still what is the speciality, the greatness of Yogeśhwara? Because He is Īśhwara for you. He is the Īśhwara of all the Yogis and what is His capacity, what is His nature that for Him everything is a play – ‘Līlā’."
1982-0815 Śhrī Yogeśhwara (God of Yoga) Pūjā, Āśhram, 44 Chelsham Road, Clapham, London, UK

"Yogeshwara means the Lord of the Yoga, or the Power of Yoga. He is called because He reached the optimum that one has to reach as a yogi. As if He is the ideal you have to reach
This is a sign of a Yogeshwara. That’s how you have to be, in a mood which is very smiling, knowing everything and not sarcastic, but [with a] very paternal smile, very loving, affectionate smile that you should have for all the other people and immediately they’ll recognize."

1991-0901 Shrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Cabella Ligure, Italy

Aum twameva sakshat Shri Suhāsya sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala devyai Namo Namah!
The one whose laughter is beautiful
You are fully aware of Your divine powers.
You are the sakshi (witness).
You are the axis of the whirling universes.
You hold the strings of the cosmic puppet show.
You are the great enticer of the three worlds.

"The another great quality of Yogeshwara was complete discretion power built-in. So He knew who was a devil and who was not, who is good who is bad, who is possessed who is not possessed, who is innocent who is not. This was built-in within Him, this power of complete discrimination.
And He had a capacity more expressing His witness-hood, as a ‘Sākṣhi’. He had the capacity, I mean He was a Sākṣhi Himself. I should say this way is easier to understand. He was a Sākṣhi, He had the capacity of witnessing the whole world as a play."

1983-0828 Shrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Tannay (13 kms N of Geneva), Switzerland

"The greatest quality of Yogeshwara is that He is not at all involved into it, detached, absolutely.
If He eats His food, He does not eat it. If He speaks, He does not speak. If He sees, He does not see. If He hears, He does not hear. It has no effect on Him, no retention on Him, no action on Him. Whatever He is, He is complete: sixteen petals is complete moon, sixteenth day of the moon is the Purnima. That is how one has to be, complete in oneself, complete confidence in oneself. But confidence should not be confused with ego. But confidence is complete wisdom, it’s complete dharma, it is complete love, complete beauty, and is complete God. That’s what it should be.
Now when He said that "you give up all your dharmas and surrender to Me" in Gita, what He was meaning is that all other things about which you are worried "You give up and become one with me, so I look after you". Give up the responsibility to Shri Krishna, so the complete integrated Divinity will start expressing through you. Means if you say that you have to be responsible, then He says alright, go ahead, try! But if you say that ”You are responsible, I’m just an institution or an instrument in Your hand”, then you start manifesting it well. And that is how your Vishuddhi Chakra gets opened up.

1983-0828 Shrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Tannay (13 kms N of Geneva), Switzerland

You lead the play of recognition of Shri Adi Shakti Nirmala Devi.
You will establish on this Earth the dazzling glory of Shri Adi Shakti Nirmala Devi.
You will unite the nations of the Earth at the lotus feet of Shri Adi Shakti Nirmala Devi.

Suggested Talk: 1994-1002 Śhrī Yogeśhwara Pūjā, Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa and the Enlightenment of the Brain, Camp Vacamas, 256 Macopin Road, West Milford, NJ, U.S.A.

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Yoga Dayani Ma

Hari Bol

Vrindavani Venu

Krishna Govind

Jai Radha Mādhav

He Govind he Gopala

Shyam nam ke tu

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!