2019 Celebrating Śhrī Gaṇeśha Chaturthī

6 minute read



"Today is a very important day for all of us Sahaja Yogis, because today Shrī Gaṇesha was born. Shrī Gaṇesha is whom we worship and because of whom we got our realization. However much you may remember Him, until you do not know His special qualities, you cannot attain Him. His special quality is that He is the embodiment of purity (shuddha swarūp) and complete Master of the Universe. He is the incarnation of the Supreme, of Brahman.
By coming into this world He has created music (sangeet), rhythm (tāl) and notes (sur). By His Grace only people become one with music (talleen). A small boy who came into the world and did such great work! He has given so many things to everyone and even today He is active. Shrī Gaṇesha’s Pūjā, no matter how much you do it, it is not enough. A lot of people say we don’t see Shrī Gaṇesha, even after worshipping Him so much, we do not attain Him."

2008-0210 Shrī Gaṇesha’s Birthday Pūjā (Hindi), Pratishthan, Maharashtra, India

"So today’s Pūjā is specially to be done with a prayer in your heart that:
'Shrī Gaṇesha, please be kind and merciful and forgiving that You manifest within ourselves.
Let all these hypocritical things, all these conditionings and all these wrong ideas we have or all the wrong life we have had, should just disappear like thin air, and let the beautiful moonlight of your soothing qualities of innocence be manifested through us.'
Let us manifest these qualities. This is what is to be asked."

1990-0826 Shrī Gaṇesha Pūjā, Lanersbach, Austria

"So I have to make a very simple announcement today, that on this day of Shri Ganesha, all My children who are born like Shri Ganesha, in the same pattern, should become dynamic like Him, innocent like Him, great like Him, working twenty-four hours. This little Child is working throughout the day and night to give you this source of joy."
1984-0115 Shri Ganesha Puja, Nasik, Maharashtra, India

"Today cannot be Dwitya, has to be Chaturthi. According to Indian…, you see, is Chaturthi, has to be. Or Chaturdashi, could be. When was this rakhi? [Sahaja Yogi: Seventeen, sixteen days ago.] Sixteen days ago, so it is after rakhi. [Sahaja Yogi: Two days after new moon.] That is, two days after new moon it is. It is, has to be Chaturdashi, fourth day, has to be in Indian time. Because Chaturthi is the day He is established, Ganesha is established on this Chaturthi – because Indian, you see, is different, little bit particular. Must be starting now, about twelve o’clock, Chaturthi."
1982-0822 Shri Ganesha Puja, Geneva, Switzerland

Your first tooth You have and four holy hands
The blessing, rope and goad
The fourth offers food to your devotees
As they worship their innocent Lord

Om Bhur Bhuvah: video

"But when Parvati made Shri Ganesha, He was the son of Parvati alone. There was no Father. Parvati Herself wanted to have a child of Her own. There were angels who were dedicated either to Vishnu or to Shiva, like ganas were dedicated to Shiva alone. So, She wanted to have Her own Son who can permeate Her powers on this Earth. So to begin with when the Shakti created this universe and Sadashiva was watching Her creation, the first thing She created on this Earth was innocence and the embodiment of that innocence was Shri Ganesha. The whole Universe was covered with innocence, which we call as Aumkara. This innocence protected all the creation of the world and penetrated into all that is matter."
1986-0907 Shri Ganesha Puja, San Diego, CA, USA

Jay Jay Janani Shri Ganesh Ki: video

You are the only support of the world,
Because you are in the form of Earth.
By you who exists in the form of water,
Is the whole universe pervaded, Your powers are unsurpassed.
(From Devi Mahatmayam, Chapter 11)

"Today you have come here to worship me as Shri Ganesha. We have been singing the praise of Shri Ganesha before every puja. And we have such tremendous respect for Shri Ganesha, because we have found out that unless and until Shri Ganesha, who is the symbol of our innocence, is not awakened within us, we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. And even to stay there and to enjoy the blessings of Shri Ganesha, we have to have our innocence fully blossoming. So we praise Him and He is very easily praised. And whatever we might have done wrong before coming to Sahaja Yoga, He completely forgives because He is the eternal child."
1989-0808 Shri Ganesha Puja, Les Diablerets, Switzerland

"So the priorities have to change if Shri Ganesha is to be worshipped. What are we worshipping today is the innocence within us. We are worshipping that is auspicious, which is innocent. Innocence, which is deep down within us - that's our character, that's our nature, that's what we are born with - is the basic of this whole Creation; is the essence of this Creation."
1985-0804 Shri Ganesha Puja, The Importance of Chastity, Brighton, UK

Gajananah Shri Ganaraya: video

Shri Ganesha I am going to be worthy of your attention.
Please make me innocent so that I am in your attention.
Shri Mother you who are Shri Ganesha,
please give me wisdom and discrimination.
Prayer to Shri Ganesha, Ashram, Rome, Italy
(from the 2012 edition of Sahaja Yoga Mantra Book, Page 29)

Suggested Talk: 1986-0907 Shri Ganesha Puja Talk, Camp Marston, San Diego, USA



Shri Ganesha Atharva Sheersha

Jai Jai Bolo Nirmal Ganesha Ki (Victory to Shri Ganesha, Australian Song Book, Hindi supplement p. 66)

Shri Ganesha Kinaryala Lau (Australian Song Book, Marathi song 62)

Gajananah Shri Ganaraya

Jay Jagadambe

Shri Ganesha Pancharatnam (Names of Shri Ganesha)

Shri Ganesha jai Shri Ganesha

Sukhkarta dukhharta Shri Ganesh Aarti

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!