2019 Celebrating the Birthday of Śhrī William Blake

5 minute read



"It is such a pleasure today, and great fortune that here, where William Blake lived, and He sang those songs of the greatness of this country, the future that it has to be, the dreams He saw, have now come to shape, that we are here to celebrate His anniversary. Things go beyond words – you cannot express yourself. Many people do not understand Him because He wrote it, according to them, in abstract language, or in the language that He understood. But I am happy that Sahaja Yogis understand Him so well, and the prophesies that He made about England."
1981-1128 Public Program, You Are the Spirit, Town Hall, Hampstead, London, UK

"Even William Blake has prophesized absolutely about Sahaja Yoga. He said that, "God of men [men of God] will become Prophets and they will have powers to make others Prophets." " 1982-1009 Public Program, Cambridge, UK

"He was an Incarnation, of Bhairavanāth. That’s whom you call the Saint Michael, or Sanit George, who is as you know the Saint – Angel of England. That’s why He had to incarnate and for Him, this was His role, to talk about Divine in a open, fearless manner. He had to use symbolic language, He had to use. It’s not difficult to understand Him at all; if you are a realized Soul, you’ll read through it, sometimes laughing, sometimes weeping, enjoying the whole drama, what He has tried to explain. When I read Him I am amazed at His sense of humor; how He openly comes out with such remarks. I feel He is like Markandeya in India, or Kabīr Das in India, who slashed the whole society with their sword all the time to see that they are brought to the proper shape, without fear. But so gentle, if you read the Song of the ‘Thel’ [from ‘The Book of Thel’ by Śhrī William Blake], it’s so gentle; and all of them who were Him perhaps or of the same style, extremely open, straightforward, you can say even blatant and extremely gentle."
1985-1128 Public Program (Śhrī William Blake’s Birthday), Hammersmith Town Hall, Kings Street, London, UK

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon Englands mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On Englands pleasant pastures seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Englands green & pleasant Land.


"So many seekers have taken birth today on this Earth. Especially England it’s described by William Blake that these times are going to come when England is going to become Jerusalem. ‘Jerusalem’ means ‘where it will be pilgrimage.’ For people will think this is the Holy Land of God. That people will come to this Holy Land, to visit this place. So the people have to be holy, they have to. It’s not the trees that are going to become holy, it is not the land that is going to be holy but it’s the people. Their hearts are going to be holy.
Then how do they become holy? What happen to a person when he really becomes holy? We talk of saints. We talk of prophets. What is the difference between these revered people and ordinary people? There’s only one difference. The difference is this: that in their attention, in their central nervous system, there is the light of their Spirit. While for the other people, they live in ignorance without this light of the Spirit. The Spirit exists in every one of us. It is always there, present, all the time. It’s Omnipresent. It’s all the time present within us. But the problem is that we are not aware of it, that it is not shining in our attention, in our awareness."

1982-0730 Public Program, Community and Leisure Centre, Mytholmroyd, Yorkshire, UK

"If you have faith God wants to establish it. Only your faith works it.
But the faith in Sahaja Yoga, as you know, has to be the faith of Spirit, of the experience, is not blind faith.
When your eyes are open you have to have faith in God."

1982-1126 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Caxton Hall, 10 Caxton Street, Westminster, London, UK

Suggested Talk: 1985-1128 Public Program (Śhrī William Blake’s Birthday), Hammersmith Town Hall, Kings Street, London, UK



England! awake! awake! awake!
Śhrī William Blake

Some of His poems:

Laughing Song

Ah! Sun-Flower

The Garden of Love

Angel by William Blake

"I am in you and you in me, mutual in divine love."
Śhrī William Blake

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
And Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

On behalf of the festivity team!