2019 Celebrating the Birthday of Śhrī Ādi Guru Dattātreya

7 minute read



"Maheśha (Śhiva), Viṣhṇu and Brahmadeva form the Trinity which incarnated as one teacher God, the Primordial Master, Dattātreya. He came onto this Earth to teach people the secrets of the Divine, to reveal God, and to help them cross the Ocean of Illusion themselves within their own identity. Evolution could not go further in the hands of human beings who were in the bondage of ignorance, so they were given guidance through this Incarnation of the Primordial Master (Ādi Guru) again and again in different lives. He was created as the three-headed child, Dattātreya, by Ādi Śhakti who appeared on Earth during the Tretā Yuga as Satī Anasūyā, wife of the Sage Atreya. He was born as Ādināth [Ṛiṣhabhadeva, first Tīrthaṅkara] who founded Jainism – one of the oldest religions. Then he was born as Rāja Janaka, father of Jānakī also called Sītā, Rāma’s wife. She was an Incarnation of Ādi Śhakti.
The Primordial Master was also born as Macchindranāth, and again as Zoroaster who was worshiped by the ancient Persians, and still revered by Parsis. Earlier He had taken birth as Abraham and later as Moses, the Fathers of Judaism. In China, He was born as Confucius and as Lao Tzu, and in Greece as Socrates. He took a very significant Incarnation as Muhammad Sāhib, the Messenger (Paigamber) and founder of Islam, whose daughter Fāṭimah was Sītā reborn, an Incarnation of Ādi Śhakti. She was the origin of the Shiya sect among the Muslims (in Indian dialect Sītā is called Shiya). Yet again He took birth as Guru Nāṇak, founder of the Sikh religion, whose sister was Nāṇakī (Jānakī, i.e., Sītā). Most recently He was born as Śhrī Sāī Bābā of Śhirḍī in the Indian State of Maharashtra where He died in 1918. Altogether there were ten major Avatāras of Dattātreya."

The Book of Ādi Śhakti, Chapter 2: Divine Incarnations – Ambassadors of God, Pages 32 and 33

Brahma Vishnu Mahesh ki Abodhita hai Adiguru
Dattatrey hai Matreya hai
Dattatrey hai Matreya hai Trigunatmika Nirmala mayi
Adiguru Janak Laotze
Socrates Sai Nirmala mayi


"Today is Shrī Datta Jayanti [birthday]. Today is a very great day. I think this day has come only because of His blessings that Sahaja Yoga has been blossomed in you people. The Guru of all the Gurus – Ādi Guru Shrī Datta Mahārāja. I bow to Him, He is My Guru also. He has taught Me quite enough on Sahaja Yoga all through My many births. And because of that only I have been able to do some work in this birth also, continuing to do."
1973-1209 Public Program (Hindi), Birla Kreeda Kendra, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

“Gurūr Brahmā Gurūr Viṣhṇu Gurūr devo Maheshwara, Gurūr sākshāt Parabrahma tasmai Śhrī Guru Dev namaḥ.”
"The Guru is Brahmā [creator], Viṣhṇu [sustainer] and Mahesh [destroyer] and the Guru who is himself God, I offer My obeisance to him."

1973-1209 Public Program (Hindi), Birla Kreeda Kendra, Mumbai, India
Guru Vandana

"You know That. All these people can feel it within themselves. It is the religion in their stomach. They can feel it. They can find out where is the religion because I say the religion in the stomach’s looked after by the Deity of the Primordial Master, whom we call as Dattātreya in the Sanskrit language. That doesn’t mean Hinduism.
It does not mean Hinduism at all. But He is called as Dattātreya in the Sanskrit language. In English He is the Primordial Master. He is the same who incarnated on this Earth as Moses, as Abraham and incarnated as Mohammad Sahib, as Rāja Janaka, as Nanaka and also as Shirdi Sāi Nāth. Can you believe that Mohammad Sahib is the same as our Nanak ...?
The living religion is within us ... Your religion automatically awakens and you just do not have to bother. Nobody has to tell you ... This is the religion that is within you, which is enlightened through Kuṇḍalinī and then it works out. But it is an absolute religion in the sense that you all feel the same."

1979-0507 Public Program, Bharatiya Vidyā Bhavan, London, UK

"It is stated in the Purāṇas that the Ādi Guru Dattātreya worshiped Mother along the banks of the River Tamasa. Tamasa is the same as your Thames is, and He Himself came and worshiped here. And the Druids, those who had the manifestation of the Stonehenge and all that, are originated from that time, in this great country of Śhiva, or the Spirit."
1983-0724 Guru Pūjā, Lodge Hill Centre, Watersfield, Pulborough, West Sussex, UK

"Today is a pūrnimā day, ‘pūrnimā’ means the complete moon. The guru has to be a complete personality to talk about these Statutes and to elevate his disciples to this level of understanding, by which they imbibe those Statutes. He is there to fulfill this gap, and for that, it is essential that every guru has to be a realized Soul of a very high quality and greatly evolved. He need not be a person who is an ascetic, or he need not be a person who is living in the forest. He could be a common householder, he could be a king. All these outward manifestations of one’s life do not matter. Whatever may be your position, I would say the so-called position in this world makes no difference to your being a guru, as long as you have imbibed the Statutes of the Lord. Again, I say you have to imbibe the Statutes."
1980-0727 Guru Pūjā, Temple of all Faiths, Hampstead, London, UK

Guru hamari Adishakti, Karale he man. in.ki bhakti,
Inke hi guna gaye oh ...

My Guru is the Adishakti, O my heart, please do Her Bhakti,
Please sing Her praises only ...

Aei maan Guru Sharan. me rahio, rahio,
He man Ma ki Sharan. Me rahio rahio

O my heart, please stay under the Guru’s Protection,
O my heart, please stay under the Mother’s Protection

Har. Pal. Nir.mala Nir.mala kahio,
He man Guru Sharan. me rahio, rahio ...

Please say Nirmala Nirmala every moment, O my heart, please stay under the Guru’s Protection

Suggested Talk: 1980-0727 Guru Pūjā (Guru Pūrṇimā Day), Statutes of the Lord, Temple of All Faiths, Hampstead, London, UK



Guru Paramatma Pareshu

Omkar Swarupa (1991-0406 Bhavasagara Puja)

Guru Ki Mahima (2001-0706 Evening Program, Cabella)

Namanat Karo (I bow to Lotus Feet of my Guru)

Guru Totz Mhanavi Kara Mazha (1999-0801 Guru Puja, Cabella)

"...... Dattātreya is the one who is comprising all these forces: the existence force and the evolutionary force and the creative force, all of them, in its innocence. I don't know if you understand it, but there is a story about them, is that there are three Deities which belong to these three forces. The left one is Śhiva's force, then the right one is Brahmadeva's force and the center one is Viṣhṇu's Force."
1979-0530 Public Program, A Higher Life, A World of Bliss and Joy (The Three Paths of Evolution), Caxton Hall, 10 Caxton Street, Westminster, London, UK

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!