2019 Celebrating Christmas Eve

4 minute read



"I should say tonight is the Christmas eve and we are all here. We have to understand that now we have really entered into the area of Jerusalem and where you are built in such a way that we can understand the Great Incarnation of Christ. So far He was never understood because It was a very subtle Incarnation and that has made people go much away from Him, from the Principle of which He was made, the Innocence.
So today we have to remember how He incarnated on this Earth, the innocence, the auspiciousness which was filled by Ādi Śhakti to begin with when She started to create this universe, that He was the Embodiment of all that which was so necessary before the creation started."

1990-1224 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, About Śhrī Jesus, Gaṇapatīpuḷe, Maharashtra, India

Let our ears hear that which is true; let our eyes see that which is pure;
let our beings praise that which is divine, and let those who listen hear not my voice but the wisdom of God.
Let us worship with the auspicious song, the appropriate strength, and the propitious knowledge; and let our meditation enlighten and enrich.
Let there be amongst us compassion and peace.

"I had a special purpose in coming to Gaṇapatīpuḷe, apart from that, it was a very beautiful place and very relaxing for all of you. Uh, the reason is: I found this place had vibrations which will clear you out very easily, first of all. But you have to desire it, really, ardently. We should have that desire, otherwise the Kuṇḍalinī may not rise. That is very important point: that you have to desire your ascent, nothing else.
Is not a place you have come for holiday or just for some sort of a relaxation or for some enjoyment or sleeping or anything. But you have come here for a penance, for a tapasyā, to clear out yourself completely.
This is a place of Śhrī Gaṇeśha’s temple which is not very much frequented by people and is still very-very pure. And I thought that Gaṇeśh Principle will be awakened in you which is the Source of everything."

1985-1231 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Śhrī Gaṇeśha's Principle (Innocence) and Childlike Temperament Can Be Developed If We Awaken Śhrī Gaṇeśha's Principle within Ourselves, before the Evening Program, Malgund (2.4 kms N of Gaṇapatīpuḷe), Maharashtra, India

Gods, Goddesses of Vaikuntha
Bless us when we get together
On the shores of Gaṇapatīpuḷe
Our hearts get united through You, Mother

"Gaṇapatīpuḷe has a special significance -- because He is Mahāgaṇeśha. The Gaṇeśha at Mūlādhāra becomes Mahāgaṇeśha in the Virāṭa, that is the brain. That means it is the seat of Śhrī Gaṇeśha. That means Śhrī Gaṇeśha governs from that seat the Principle of Innocence. As you know very well it is placed at the back in the region of optic thalamus, optic lobe as they call it; and it is the giver of innocence to the eyes.
When He incarnated as Christ -- which is in here in the front, at Āgñyā ......"

1986-0101 Śhrī Mahāgaṇeśha Pūjā (English+Marathi), Malgund (2.4 kms N of Gaṇapatīpuḷe), Maharashtra, India

Dear all,
Today is a very auspicious day as on Tuesday we are celebrating Christmas Eve and remembering the Gaṇapatīpuḷe Seminars which have been of uttermost importance for the growth and the spiritual ascent of us, the Sahaja Yogis. Let's celebrate with joy and eternal gratitude.

Suggested Talk: 1985-1231 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Śhrī Gaṇeśha's Principle (Innocence) and Childlike Temperament Can Be Developed If We Awaken Śhrī Gaṇeśha's Principle within Ourselves, before the Evening Program, Malgund (2.4 kms N of Gaṇapatīpuḷe), Maharashtra, India


1985-1231 Evening Program Part 2, Gaṇapatīpuḷe, India



Hark the Herald Angels Sing (sung in English and Marathi) (Shri Mataji reading and singing from the songbook)
O come, let us adore Him

Carols 1998-1224 Christmas Eve, Gaṇapatīpuḷe

Christmas Songs 1982-1224 Christmas Eve Celebrations, Pune

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!