2020 Celebrating Holi, the Festival of Colors: “Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa said on this Holī Day, “Laugh, jump and enjoy as the whole world is a play.” ”

6 minute read


[This festival of Holī was made by Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa so that human beings would see the whole world as Līlā (play).
Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa’s Līlā was a different type and Śhrī Rāma’s sacrifice towards his people was another type. At the Viśhuddhi is collectivity or Jana. On the Nābhī it is dharma or to bear. On the Viśhuddhi chakra you become collective. In the collectivity Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa tried to awaken people through His Līlā. When He was five years old he hid the clothes of the women. In those days even a twenty-year-old boy was innocent. In that innocence, He used to use the Power of Mahālakṣhmī to awaken them.
Mahālakṣhmī is Śhrī Rādhā and Sītā. Only through Mahālakṣhmī Tattwa evolution takes place and it is through Mahālakṣhmī Tattwa only that you have gained whatever in Sahaja Yoga. He would break their pots which they carried on their heads which was filled with the vibrated water from the Jamunā. The water would fall on their backs and give them Realization. Then he would dance the Rās. Rā means energy and dhā means dharma – the one who bears. Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa made everyone dance and then would move the Śhakti of Śhrī Rādhā. He played the flute. The flute is also in a way the Kuṇḍalinī. It also has seven holes like the seven chakras. By that dance the Śhakti of Rādhā used to flow in the hands of all.
Also he found a very beautiful way of playing Holī, by mixing color in vibrated water. So that they become completely drenched with vibrations. It was his thought and his play. By using filth with color you finish the Tattwa (Essence) of Holī. There is such beauty in Holī; our love and friendship for one another grows with vibrated water. Whatever negative feelings we have should finish. We should play Holī with purity of feeling and a complete absorption. There should be no feeling of sin in it and the heart should have no bad feeling. This was how the festival of Holī was celebrated ......
...... The attention must be absolutely pure.]

1991-0228 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Hindi+English), New Delhi, India

[There should be no feeling of sin in it and the heart should have no bad feeling. This was how the festival of Holī was celebrated ......
...... The attention must be absolutely pure.]

1991-0228 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Hindi+English), New Delhi, India

[Till you become deep, I cannot believe you are Sahaja Yogis because the first sign of a Sahaja Yogi is that he is Śhānt Chitta peaceful temperament and extremely powerful. He is not afraid of anyone. His life is extremely pure. His body and mind are Pure. By the light of the Spirit he spreads radiance in the whole world. The one who cannot love, such a person cannot be a Sahaja Yogi. He has not even climbed the first ladder. Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa said on this Holī Day, laugh, jump and enjoy as the whole world is a play. But the boundaries on which this play is established, for that you will have to do penance at the Āgñyā. Like you see many kites in the sky. They are all in one hand. If one gets loose, it flies away. The hand is the Ātmā. So keep your attention on your Ātmā. To go on making yourself pure is the tapas of Sahaja Yoga.]

1991-0228 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Hindi+English), New Delhi, India

Tere ranga me aise range ham, dujā ranga nā lāge,
We are coloured so deep and complete in Your colour
Tum bin koi nazar nā āe, in naino ke āge
No other colour will reflect through us, We are unable to see anything but You
Jala ko sthala ko sāre jagata,Rangā ranga banāyā
Through these eyes You have made not only water and land, But the whole universe very colourful
Ranga de jhini Hari, Mā ke ranga me kāyā, (kāyā)
God (Hari) please colour my body (kaya) in the colour of my Holy Mother
Ranga nā de ise, chanchala mana ko, Apne ranga me māyā
Let my body not be adorned, By the hideous colour of materialism
Ranga de jhini Hari, Mā ke ranga me kāyā, (kāyā)
God (Hari) please colour my body in the colour of my Holy Mother

"So, with Holī after dahan [scorching], like I said yesterday, let us decide today, that now Holī will be like Diwālī. The joy of it should be overwhelming. Why the joy of Holī? Although we burn just one Holikā but afterwards, the joy flows in the Collective Consciousness, whether he is a sweeper or a garbage collector or even any other person working in the house. Like in My family, in Lucknow, from where My family belongs, these people are landlords. So the sweeper does not dare to enter inside the house. People don’t like them coming even their threshold, to that extent. They reprimanded them.
But on the Day of Holī, any person, whether he is a master or a servant, anybody, they all play Holī together. Even if you tear the clothes of the master then also no one will reprimand you on the Day of Holī. This is the way a social and collective celebration of happiness started in our country."

1983-0329 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Hindi), Universal Sahaja Yoga Temple, Āśhram, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi, India

Abīr Gulāl Udhalitha Rang
Natha Ghari Nāche Mājha Sakha Pāṇḍuraṅg

Amidst the fragrant colourful powder strewed in the air,
Pāṇḍuraṅga who is my master as well as my friend is dancing in His abode.
'Abīr gulāl' abhaṃg by Sant Chokhamela


Holi Khelat

Śhrī Mā Hain Rang Raij Chunar Mori Rang

Shri Mataji Playing with Dandiya Sticks (1990-0819 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Ipswich, UK)

Aaj Rang Hai Sahaj Ka

Kṛiṣhṇa Govinda

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!