2020 Celebrating the Birthday of our Divine Mother: “Pūjā on a birthday should be such that it should be more deep, more heartfelt, more joyous”

9 minute read


"You needed a Mother to look after you, to care for you and to be able to transform you with lot of wisdom. So every birthday I find that Sahaja Yogis are also expanding their hearts and realizing that they are no more drops but they are part and parcel of the Ocean.
And that the Ocean itself is going to strengthen them and look after them. It’s the Ocean that is going to nourish them. And the same Ocean is going to guide them. So the connection between a drop and an Ocean has to be fully established. So the limitations of a drop have to be absolutely dissolved into the greatness of the Ocean.
With care and with nice things to say we can improve the depth of the collectivity, and with sincere desire to be collective. The desire to be collective has to be very sincere. So, this expanse of your being will start.
The first thing is needed: a sincerity to yourself."

1990-0321 Birthday Pūjā, Ballroom, Curzon Hall, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Thank You for letting us participate in the salvation of mankind. Thank You for giving us the joy of introducing a yearning seeker to Your redeeming Motherly Love.
Thank You for inviting all of us to the court of the Goddess.
Thank You for establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Thank You for accepting our offerings and prayers.
Thank You for showering Your blessings endlessly upon us.

Binati Suniye Ādi Śhakti Meri
O Ādi Śhakti, please listen to my request
Pūjan ka adhikar dijiye
Please give me the authority to do Your Pūjā


"As you know, I have so many children all over the world, apart from the one[s] whom I actually physically gave birth. We have to think of all those, today, who are away from us, thousands of miles, praying to God Almighty for their spiritual ascent. One has to only pray for the spiritual ascent. Because as you ascend, you get all the rest of it. Because you do not ascend, you not ... you do not get what is needed. That’s why there are problems. And even today I had to solve some problems before I could come to Pūjā.
But if you decide that we have to ascend spiritually within us, then everything that you have to receive, all the blessings that God wants to shower upon you, to make you the citizen of His Great Kingdom, where you are no more judged, you are no more chastised, you are no more put to any test, but where you’ll reside in Eternal Love of God and in His glory."

1983-0321 Birthday Pūjā, Āśhram, 10 Clarence Street, Burwood, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Thank You for descending from Your heavenly abode, Mātā Dwipa, to bring light into the darkness of Kali Yuga.
Thank You, Śhrī Mātājī, again and again.
Thank You for giving Sahaja Yoga to a confused and self-destructive humanity.
Thank You for revealing to us the meaning of creation and evolution.
Thank You for revealing to us the actual existence of God.
Thank You for giving divine meaning to human existence.
Thank You for revealing to us within the human body the reflection of the Viśhwa-rūpa (universal form).

Shubhmangalmaye diwas hai āya

"In these modern times, to have such bhaktas, itself is a big blessing for Me. So as you say, “Mother, bless us,” I say, “You also bless Me.” You have already blessed Me by this beautiful arrangement you have made, the way you have put yourself, surrendered yourself for this great Pūjā. Because all is such an interdependent process. You do the Pūjā. I can’t do the Pūjā. You have to do the Pūjā. When you do the Pūjā, the chakras are awakened. Mine are awakened, but in you they are awakened.
Now how to explain to people what is the importance of Pūjā is. If you have not tasted the fruit of a Pūjā it is impossible to explain. It is at a higher level only one can understand all these things. But so far whatever was done was at such a lower level by such low type of people that everything became absolutely unholy. It was all unholy doing and because of that unholy doing God Himself is unhappy.
So He has created this Universe to create realized Souls, not to create useless people, not to create people who do not believe in God, who do not believe in higher life, who do not believe in leading a life of purity. He never created this Universe for them. They are just existing, just like dead people. They are not living people. So those who believe in God, those who worship Him with all purity, are actually, in a way, giving blessings to God because it is so pleasurable for Him to see that they have understood, that they have felt it, that they have liked it."

1983-0330 Birthday Pūjā and Havan (English+Marathi), New Marine Lines, Churchgate, Mumbai, Mahara

Thank You for comforting us.
Thank You for counseling us.
Thank You for correcting us.
Thank You for never abandoning us.
Thank You for saving us.
Thank You for gathering us.

Janam. din. ayo, Ādiśhakti ka
Ādi Śhakti's birthday has come!
Smaran. din. ayo, Nirmal. bhakti ka
The day of recollection of Divine devotion has come!


"This is what I have to tell you today, on this day where you are celebrating, that you celebrate your own birthday. Celebrate it. See for yourself what you have achieved and what you are going to achieve. It’s time for you to celebrate than to celebrate My birthday. I’ll be very happy to celebrate your birthday than to celebrate Mine."
1997-0321 Birthday Pūjā, New Delhi, India

"Now on the day of My Birthday you all must be praised and all good should be said only. But only one thing which I understand and which should be told is that our depth needs to be developed. It is very necessary to increase our depth and this depth is inside us, no need to find it, this depth is inside us already. But when we develop the depth then it should be looked [into] that ‘where are we standing ourselves’ first. First, it should be understood that where are we standing ourselves. And there is a way to know that, sahaj simple way that keep the eye towards you like, ‘How is our behavior? What do we do? How we bring thoughts into our mind? How are our manners? How much do we limit [restrict] ourselves?"
1989-0319 Birthday Pūjā (Hindi), Sahaja Yoga Temple, C-17, Qutub Institutional Area behind Qutub Hotel, New Delhi, India

Thank You for loving us.
Thank You for forgiving us.
Thank You for helping us.
Thank You for protecting us.
Thank You for encouraging us.
Thank You for guiding us.

Arpan Ye Tan Man

"Today we are going to have a very short Pūjā because today is My birthday and so the Pūjā on a birthday should be such that it should be more deep, more heartfelt, more joyous than it should sort of go on a ritual side. There’s no need to have much rituals because we are in a joyous mood celebrating our Mother’s birthday. Already we are there. Whatever is needed for you to be there, is not needed now because you are in that joyous mood. All right? So, only thing, a very short Pūjā, I have told him, is to be done today is a birthday. There is no need to have a huge, big Pūjā, all that is needed to bring out all the Deities. They are already there, up there, just see the vibrations They are emitting! They are so very happy that you are celebrating My birthday. So, in every Pūjā what we have to do is to awaken Them, ask Them to be kind to you, this, that. Though They are awakened in Me, you want Them to be. But now [as] They are all awakened in you we don’t have to have big Pūjā, at all. There’s no need at all."
1985-0317 Birthday Pūjā, Ashram, Melbourne, Australia

Śhrī Mātājī Vandu Tav. Charna

Most worshipful and beloved Mother,
Thou art birthless.
But Thou hast come within time
So that we could fulfill our old dreams, behold Thee and celebrate Thy birthdays.
In this year 2020, we Thy children, by the grace of Thy Love
Are gathered here on behalf of the Sahaja Yogis of the whole world.
And we say this:
Mother of God, in the name of all the sacred Deities who are Thyself,
We solemnly pledge ourselves to build Thy Jerusalem with all our desire, heart and consciousness;
To dedicate our life to Sahaja Yoga so that,
O beloved great Goddess, through Thy Love and Power,
The world will know that You came
To give the meaning to Thy creation. Aum. Amen.

May the Divine Mother bless us all with the strength and courage to keep to the pledge always.

This pledge was read to Śhrī Mātājī at Her Birthday Pūjā, London, on 1982-0321

Suggested Talk: 1990-0321 Birthday Pūjā, Sydney, Australia



Tujhya pujani

Vanadana kare vandana


Chindwada Mein

Happy Birthday Śhrī Mātājī

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!