2020 Celebrating Vasant Navarātri: “Only through your channels, I can work out Sahaja Yoga.”

9 minute read


"This Śhakti of the Devī purifies everything. Among the Seven Śhaktis of the Devī one of them is Saṃhārak [destructive]. This is right-sided. On the right side are Sāvitrī, Gāyatrī. But the effect of Saṃhārak Śhakti was one Śhakti went to the left and the other to the right. When this destructive power came, it was in the center.
There are many forms of the Devī. Like Durgā and other forms which used destructive powers. She resides in the Heart chakra. It is one of the powers of the Heart chakra that if someone troubles you or attacks you, or puts you in a fix, this Śhakti, which resides in the Heart protects you and destroys the one who troubles you.
The effectiveness of this power is that the Kuṇḍalinī comes there. When the Kuṇḍalinī comes in the Heart, Kuṇḍalinī is the Jagadambā, Ambā, this power increases. When a person accepts Sahaja Yoga with the Self-realization, this Śhakti establishes here and protects him fully, not even a hair is touched. But you must establish Her in the Heart."

2000-0405 Guḍhī Pāḍavā Pūjā (Hindi), Noida Bhavan, New Delhi, India

"During Durgā Pūjā, Jagadambā that you pray too is the Kuṇḍalinī in you."
1996-0413 Public Program (Hindi), Day y, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

"We wonder, “Mother, why they did so much penance? What was the need?” The reason for doing it was because although human ascent was still low, yet their aspiration was very high. They aspired to achieve the Ātmā through the body. That is why they worked so hard and did penance in this place. It is due to their aspiration that today we are able to achieve this height. This does not mean that we should think that because of the blessing of Sahaja Yoga we are some great people or some specially chosen people by God. People who think like that will receive a great shock. You will see that those who are simple, innocent, and good-natured will ascend foremost and the rest will be left behind. Therefore just receiving your Realization is not the end.
On this auspicious occasion, God Almighty has manifested all His śhaktis for your protection, benevolence and welfare. In everything God is blessing you. He wants to see you enter His Kingdom. In a way, it is His Desire that you should return to your Father’s home and enjoy its comforts. But at least we should be worthy of it. If we are not worthy of it then how can we enter it? We should examine our worthiness and see what it is."

1985-0329 Śhrī Śhailaputrī Devī Pūjā (English+Hindi), Talnoo , Naddi (11 kms NNE of Dharmaśhālā), Himachal Pradesh, India

"The left Heart is connected to our worldly mother, the right Heart is connected with relationship we have with our worldly father."
1995-0929 Meta Modern Era, Chapter 11: The Subtle System

"This is the center of our heart. This one is called as the Hṛidaya chakra. It supplies on the left and the right to two centers which we call as left and right Heart centers. On the left it is connected with the heart. On the right it is connected with the lungs. In the center it is representing your sense of security.
This center has got twelve ... twelve petals. This is with ... the ruler of this petal is the Mother of this Universe. She gives you the sense of security."

1980-0417 Public Program, Day 2, Kuṇḍalinī Awakening, Paris, France

"...... when the liver has no energy it becomes absolutely over-excited and sort of very heated up, so this heat passes over it goes upward and causes problem in the another center called as the right Heart which looks after our lungs, that’s how you develop asthma."
1990-1122 Public Talk, Doctors Conference, Weikfield Factory, Pune, Maharashtra, India

"And if you are today worshiping Me as the Jagadambā, then know that the Jagadambā Itself is nothing else but Ādi Śhakti."
1992-0927 Navarātri Pūjā, Tent, Cabella Ligure, Italy

"Now as you know that the Heart chakra has got twelve petals, and the Durgā resides on the Heart chakra. Now the Durgā’s qualities are that She is protective of Her children, She’s very gentle, very soft with Her children, and She’s extremely horrifying to the satanic people, to the negative people. So in this rāga I think because there are, the notes are spaced out. So either you could play it slow or you could play it fast. Nothing in between. That’s why it is on a Durgā’s style. You see, either She is extremely gentle or She is extremely horrifying. So because She has a double function: is one to look after Her children, and another is protect Her children from the devils. So She has to be very quick about it, to fight them, and to, in every way to frighten them and to be alert about it."
1990-0818 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Hallowtree Scout Campsite, Nacton, Ipswich, UK

Śhrī Rām resides on the right Heart and is the Father. He is the Father and He is the Fatherhood. He is the One who came on this Earth to teach us how to be a father as a king ......
...... Śhrī Rāma, understood the responsibility of a king. And that responsibility is lacking in us: that responsibility towards ourselves and towards others.

1981-0518 Public Program, Caxton Hall, 10 Caxton Street, Westminster, London, UK

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and
Thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Psalm 23 from the Bible has been recommended by Śhrī Mātājī to help strengthen the center Heart chakra

"But as far as this generation is concerned, you should know your responsibility is very great. All the Sahaja Yogis must take a vow that they’ll fight this society and try to save their country and their countrymen from a complete disaster. There is going to be no war, only they will fight themselves and die. It’s a very serious matter.
For that, we decided to have this Pūjā of Durgā today that all negativity should be destroyed. So many Deities build up the body of Kālī. Every part of Her body was created by a Deity, looked after by a Deity, and is also, later on, is reflected in you all. So they say that God has made human beings in His own image, I would say, I’ve made you in My own image, all the Deities at your disposal. They’re all with you, and they have created you – if you see it minutely – it is the Deities who have brought forth all the beauty that you had. They have made all this beautiful congregation, beautiful transformation, and they have created such angelic people out of you. They are always working it out, but one thing you have to do is to have the drive. You had pure desire to ascend, but for what? You want to have the light, but for what? You want to become gurus, for what? To save people, for their salvation. Only through your channels, I can work out Sahaja Yoga. If I could work out Myself, I would have. It’s not question of killing one rākṣhasa. God knows how many there are, rākṣhasas and rākṣhasas. And they are everywhere, even within you they were. Now they’ve gone out."

1992-0725 Śhrī Durgā Mahākālī Pūjā, Paris, France

Guido Lanza [resumes the reading]:
"Salutations always to Durgā who takes one across in difficulties, who is essence, who is the author of everything, who is knowledge and discrimination, and who is blue-black and also smoke-light [smokelike] in complexion.
We prostrate before Her who is at once most gentle and most terrible; we salute Her again and again.
Salutation to Her who is the support of all the world. Salutation to the Devī who is [of] the form of volition."

1985-0705 Śhrī Bhūmī Devī Pūjā, Huis (Manor) Overvoorde, Rijswijk (6 kms SSE of The Hague), Netherlands

Suggested Talk: 1992-0725 Durga Mahakali Puja Talk, Paris, France



Durgā Ādi Śhakti

Jai Durge duargati pariharini

Adimaya Ambabai

Mamtamai Maa Durga Si Lage

Jai Durga Mata Bhavani by Ajit Kadkade

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!