2020 Celebrating Vasant Navarātri: “When you will clear your Viśhuddhi, your vision will change and you will receive the help from the Divine.”

10 minute read


"In the same way, when the Kuṇḍalinī is rising, She rises spontaneously and passes through these six centers. That time she also at Viśhuddhi, she opens the Viśhuddhi and when she emerges through it at that time the tongue is a little bit pulled in just to keep the flow on. This reaction is called as khecharī so when people are very deeply in meditation, those who have achieved great heights in meditation, they find suddenly they get into khecharī situation, or we call as mudrā in that state as if some nectar starts flowing from your palate. If you move your tongue upward like that you’ll feel the cool coming down your tongue: try that.
Now this, you don’t have to do when you are in deep meditative state. It starts cooling down your tongue slowly as automatically you get into khecharī state. As far as Sahaja Yogis are concerned today, there are very few who really feel that way. The reason is you do not meditate. We do not pay attention to our Realization, also. We talk about it quite a lot, in the West specially we discuss it more than to do something about it. We have to meditate every day, just like washing our hands or just like cleaning our teeth, we have to in the morning time meditate and also in the evening we have to meditate We have to meditate both the times otherwise we cannot rise, we cannot grow. Just to think that we are realized Souls you do not become. This cleansing has to be done every day, every day in and out."

1991-0408 Śhrī Gaurī Pūjā, Residence near Āśhram, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand

"When you will clear your Viśhuddhi, your vision will change and you will receive the help from the Divine.
You will help to change the situation, to join the things together."

1996-1207 Śhrī Rājalakṣhmī Pūjā (Hindi), Bharat Scouts Ground, Nizamuddin, New Delhi, India
You grant the power of auspicious vision.
You grant the power of leadership.
You granted abundance to America.
You grant then power of plenitude
You grant the power to communicate and convince.

"North America and South America, as you know is the Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa’s center of Viśhuddhi. And it is very important to know also that all the communications, all the relationships with the whole creation has to be established through this center of Viśhuddhi. Viśhuddhi, as you know is the most important center in your ascent, in a way. Because Sahaja Yoga is not only meant for your ascent but for the ascent of the whole world, and only through Viśhuddhi you can achieve it. Even if you get your Self-realization and you get all the powers, unless and until you use your Viśhuddhi, it won’t work out. Look at My Viśhuddhi also, talking, talking everywhere, keeping communications, Viśhuddhi goes out! Also, this Viśhuddhi chakra being so important, it is under attack – attack of the negative force."
1993-1010 Śhrī Virāṭa Virāṭaṅganā Pūjā, YMCA Camp Whittle, CA, U.S.A.

"Even at Kuṇḍalinī when it reaches here at the Viśhuddhi chakra it makes all the sounds,
‘am, ām, em, īm, um, ūm, rim, rīm, lrim, lrīm, aye, ayī, ao, aou, ang, ah’.
All these sixteen vowels are coming from the sixteen chakras or the sub-chakras or the petals of this Viśhuddhi chakra.
These are Bīja Mantras of the Viśhuddhi chakra."

1983-0202 Public Program, N.D.M.C. Park, Hanumān Road, New Delhi, India
Auṃ̣ Twameva sākshāt Śhrī Rādhā-Kṛiṣhṇa sākshāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namaḥ!
O Divine Mother, You are verily Śhrī Rādhā-Kṛiṣhṇa. Salutations to You!

"Now that is the center of Viśhuddhi. It is ... it is ... it is governed by Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa. His Power is Rādhā. When a man lifts his head, he raises himself towards the Primordial Great Being. Then only the idea of God comes into him. Then only he thinks of the beyond. This is the evolutionary state of human being. By lifting the head he creates these two institutions called as ego and superego by the overactivity of these two, which cross over."
1980-0417 Public Program, Paris, France

"You are the ones who are the first Sahaja Yogis we should say or the foundation of the Sahaja Yoga in America and thus we have to understand our own responsibility.
As it is, Viśhuddhi chakra is responsible for the whole world. But the people in Viśhuddhi chakra have to be like gaṇas, they have to be very responsible, extremely, much more than any other country in the whole world. And the problem is somehow I found, I don’t know about the future, that, that sense of responsibility yet not felt among Sahaja Yogis that they are responsible for the whole world; not only for America or only for New York or only for Yonkers. Sitting down here you are responsible for the whole world. If you understand this that the main quality of Viśhuddhi chakra is responsibility, I always say, “It’s on My shoulder. I take it on My shoulder,” meaning what? That I take the responsibility, but this sense of responsibility has to come to you very clearly."

1995-1008 Śhrī Śhakti Devī Pūjā, Camp Vacamas, 256 Macopin Road, West Milford, NJ, U.S.A.

"...... the another problem comes, of left Viśhuddhi, when people do not have proper sense of womanhood and manhood. Is very common in England and other countries, Western countries, like America is much worse: you cannot make out a man from a woman."
1981-0209 Public Program, Sansad Mārg Area, New Delhi, India
Auṃ̣ Twameva sākshāt Śhrī Viśhuddhi padm’ālayā sākshāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namaḥ!
O Divine Mother, You are verily the One who dwells in the lotus of the Viśhuddhi chakra

"Left Viśhuddhi is on the left-hand side and right on the right-hand side. Right-hand side Viśhuddhi is the Viśhuddhi where He was the king and called as Viṭṭhala and His wife Rukmiṇī [unclear]. This is the [unclear], or you can say the rājasa, means the kingliness or the action, where you take to action as a king, is on the right-hand side. The left-hand side is the one where He was born and in His early life, when He has a sister.
Now the left Viśhuddhi problem starts when we get confused about sisters’ relationship or the close relationships like mother, this is Mister Freud’s business. All kinds of confusions. Problems about relationships with other men, other women, there’s no understanding."

1981-0401 Public Program, Maccabean Hall, Darlinghurst (eastern suburb of Sydney), New South Wales, Australia

"The another quality which Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa has, which kī [of], we can express through our right Viśhuddhi, is diplomacy.
But there are two types of diplomacies: one is genuine, one who is artificial."

1993-0815 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Tent, Cabella Ligure, Italy

Auṃ̣ Twameva sākshāt Śhrī Raja-niti nipuna sākshāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā devyai namo namaḥ!
You are the Expert in the art of divine diplomacy,
without which the world would lose balance and
prosperity cannot be sustained

"So, [by] our right Viśhuddhi we have to have a temperament, a culture, a style, a behavior which has got the quality of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa, which is called as mādhurya, means melodious, melodious. We should talk in such a manner that it should be melodious. The person who listens to you, listens as if he’s listening to the flute of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa. The voice of a Sahaja Yogi should be sweet like that. When you talk to someone it should be melodious. It should not be aggressive, at all, but on the contrary it should be melodious. It should not be sarcastic, it should not hurt another person. Any word that hurts others cannot be coming from the proper type of right Viśhuddhi. So, in no way one should hurt.
I wish all the Sahaja Yogis develop that melodious voice of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa as their Viśhuddhi is awakened. Mādhurya, in his behavior, mādhurya is, uh you see, while talking to someone there’s so many gestures uh by which you can express uh your mādhurya.
For example, specially in Italy and other places, I have seen people use too much of their hands. This is also Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa’s style. So, they use their hands in such a way uh that sometimes you don’t understand what they are meaning. And sometimes it can be quite aggressive also, the way they use their hands.
Now, the hands must be used in such a way that it should create mādhurya.
I have seen this in uuuh Russia or specially in Eastern Blocs where people, they have to express their love just [putting Her left hand on Her central Heart”] put like this, good. If they have to say namaste, [gesturing namaste and whispering:] they do it like this. The whole expression is so sweet."

1993-0815 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā,Tent, Cabella Ligure, Italy

"Unless and until this America is put right, Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa is not going to leave My throat, I tell you.
So, as America, I say, is the place of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa’s auspiciousness."

1994-1002 Śhrī Yogeśhwara Pūjā, Camp Vacamas, 256 Macopin Road, West Milford, NJ, U.S.A.

Suggested Talk: 1994-1002 Śhrī Yogeśhwara Pūjā, Camp Vacamas, 256 Macopin Road, West Milford, NJ, U.S.A



Madhurāṣṭakam (Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa song)
Stotram by Śhrī Vallabhāchārya (1479–1531 CE) in Sanskrit

Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Stuti

Keśhava Mādhava

Hari bol Hari Bol

He Govinda He Gopala

Jay Rādhā Mādhav

"Now this center is manifested outside, as I told you as sixteen sub-plexuses, which govern our nose, eyes, throat, our neck, ears and also the outside of our eyes, the eye lids and also little muscles that control, and so many things by this one center.
Sixteen are the petals also of this center, Viśhuddhi chakra.
Viśhuddhi means without, Viśhuddhi, vi means absence of, I mean it is so śhuddha, it’s so holy that everything is absent, Viśhuddha is the meaning of this center.
Means it is absolutely holy and that’s why He is a sākṣhi, He is a witness.

1981-0401 Public Program, Maccabean Hall, Darlinghurst (eastern suburb of Sydney), New South Wales, Australia

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!