2022 Celebrating Śhivarātri Pūjā: Those whose heart is not clean cannot do Śhiva Pūjā. It’s a simple Principle of Śhrī Śhivarātri.”

10 minute read


"Today, we are going to do Pūjā to Śhiva, Śhrī Śhiva.
As you know, Śhrī Śhiva is the reflection of Sadāśhiva within us. I’ve already told about the reflection.
Sadāśhiva is the God Almighty, the One who sees the play of Ādi Śhakti. But He is the Father who is watching each one of His Creation or Her Creation.
His support to Ādi Śhakti is entirely, fully, strengthening. There’s no doubt in His mind about the capability of the Ādi Śhakti. But when He finds that in the play of Ādi Śhakti, the people of the world as such, try to disturb Her or spoil Her work, then He gets into His wrathful mood, and He destroys all such people, and maybe, He destroys the whole world.
On one side He’s wrathful, no doubt, on the other side, He is the Ocean of Compassion and Joy. That’s why, when He’s reflected within us, we get our Self-realization, we get the light of our Spirit, and we get into the Ocean of Joy."

1996-0303 Śhivarātri Pūjā, Motivate Your Attention or God's Realization, Bundilla Scout Camp, 6 Baden Powell Pl, Winston Hills (35 kms E of Sydney), New South Wales, Australia

"Tonight we have gathered here to do Śhrī Śhiva Pūjā. Those people who have a clean heart can only do Śhiva Pūjā. Those whose heart is not clean cannot do Śhiva Pūjā. It’s a simple Principle of Śhrī Śhivarātri."
2002-0317 Śhivarātri Pūjā, The Power of Love, Śhrī Śhiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex Stadium, Balewadi, Mahalunge, Pune, Maharashtra, India

"We have all assembled here to worship Lord Śhiva. Śhiva Pūjā is a very great and special Pūjā. The ultimate aim of human beings is to attain that Śhiva Tattwa. Śhiva Tattwa is beyond the brain. It cannot be known through the brain. Till you have got your Self-realization you cannot know the Self, Ātmā or the Śhiva Tattwa.
Too much falsehood, myth and blind faith has taken place in the name of Lord Śhiva. Till a person is self-realized he cannot know Lord Śhiva because his nature is such that to know him, a person has first to attain that height where all the great virtues themselves enshrine within.
....These Śhaktis reside within us through the Śhiva Tattwa. To attain the Śhiva Tattwa Self-realization is essential. Kuṇḍalinī is the Śhakti and the chakras are the steps. One has to ascend all the steps to attain the Śhiva Tattwa. This is the revelation of all the Gods and Deities. This is their job and they are completely absorbed in it. Unlike human beings they do not think about themselves or their rank, etc. They are a part and parcel of Lord Śhiva. To facilitate human ascent to the Śhiva Tattwa is their nature.
They need not be lectured or told anything, they are completely submerged in their task. They work in karma. They do not think they are doing anything. They are thoughtless and unmindful for their powers, like sugar gives sweetness to food, but is unaware that it is sweet. Similarly when Sahaja Yogis act they are not aware of the Śhakti within which is behind their actions. If the consciousness comes that I am the doer, I am a leader, etc. then you are not a Sahaja Yogi. Through Sahaja Yoga one becomes a karmi. He keeps performing without even remembering that he is doing anything. He does not even realize that he is loving though others find him very loving."

1993-0219 Śhivarātri Pūjā (Hindi), Kyukī Mānava kā Aṃtima Lakṣhya yahī hai kī Vo Śhiva Tattwa ko Prāpta Kare (The Ultimate Aim of Human Beings Is to Attain that Śhiva Tattwa), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

"So it is important that you should join hands, work it out, the work of the Goddess so that Śhiva is happy and we create a new world of spirituality and beauty.
May God bless you."

1991-0209 Śhivarātri Pūjā (Hindi+English), Pandal, Front, Kutab Minar Āśhram, New Delhi, India

"Today, we are ready to do Śhrī Śhiva’s Pūjā.
It is said about Śhrī Shivjī that He is very easy and very innocent. This is why it’s very hard to know Him.
The work of Kuṇḍalinī is the work of Goddess. Goddess is the One who creates this universe and in the end, She takes the form of Kuṇḍalinī and helps you to reach Śhrī Śhiva. When you worship Śhrī Śhiva you must remember that ‘Did we have Śhrī Śhiva’s qualities established within us or not?’ That’s why first of all we should understand the workings of Kuṇḍalinī.
When Kuṇḍalinī is awakened, then foremost it heals your body to health because it is very important for the body to be healthy."

1991-0209 Śhivarātri Pūjā (Hindi+English), Pandal, Front, Kutab Minar Āśhram, New Delhi, India

"When we worship Śhiva, we praise him. You are this you are that you are that. When you worship Me also you praise Me, you are this. I am not aware of all that that you say. But you say all right, if you say so, it’s all right. You are this you are that, the thousand names of Śhiva, thousand names of the Goddess, thousand names of Viṣhṇu. These are their names you are worshiping, what about you people, how many names you can have? Actually in the Pūjā when you take the names of these Śhaktis they also get awakened within, no doubt. After Pūjā you do feel that way but you don’t utilize them. So many people I’ve seen have come in the Pūjā and they have got that power within themselves, same powers. But by the time they are out, it’s finished, it’s gone.
So, surrendering has another side: assumption. Assumption that I am a Sahaja Yogi and I can absorb all these powers within myself. So one side is surrendering. Why to surrender? To absorb. Automatically when you are surrendered you absorb. But once you have absorbed, then you should retain and assume within yourself, know that you have these powers. There, where Sahaja Yogis fail more."

1994-0314 Śhivarātri Pūjā (English+Hindi), Surrender, New Delhi, India

Aum Shivam Shivakaram Shantam Shivakaram
Shivot-tamam Shivamarga Pranetaram Pranatosmi Sadashivam

Aum to the auspicious one, the bestower of auspiciousness, the one who is peace, who is the auspicious Spirit,
The highest, most auspicious, and beautiful one, who is the path of auspiciousness, before whom everyone prostrates,
I bow to the Lord God Almighty.

"When Śhiva closes His eyes, He is called a destroyer (saṃhārak). He only is the state and He only is the laya [extinction], because He can be a state, He can also be laya [extinction]. I had told you about Śhiva’s place in Kuṇḍalinī Śhāstra. In a man’s heart, He always enlightens like the light of a lamp. Because of which the knowledge of right-wrong, discretion remains awakened, which goes on forbidding us, ‘Don’t do this, this is wrong, this is unrighteous. This is wrong, this is deceitfulness, this is is greed, this is pride, this is jealousy, this is adharm, this is below the dignity of a man, this is not worthwhile.’ But the independence that a man has is used by him very badly and he disregards Śhiva.
Śhiva drinks the poison of the whole world. Whatever amount of poison is settled in our heart, aversion towards others, evil, etc., very impure thoughts, our heart becomes poisonous, when Śhiva awakens within us, He drinks that poison. Śhiva’s food, His drink is poison, whatever intoxicating things are there, the intoxicants, etc., all that is injurious to consciousness is consumed (prāśhan) by Śhiva."

1977-0216 Śhivarātri Pūjā (Hindi), Śhivajī Ke Ūpara Sārā Saṃsāra Nirbhara Hai (The Whole World Is Dependent on Śhivajī), New Delhi, India

"We pray to Lord Shiva to look after our union. I surrender to You. Now Gauri Kundalini surrenders to the Spirit.
We pray to Lord Shiva to look after this. I forget everything else. I leave it in Your holy hands.
You raise me up. I forget all that was in me before, just lift me up. You raise me up.
Everything I have dropped out, no other desire but just lift me higher. Make me Your servant. The rest of it is not important.
All the other manifestations of this desire are over.
Now I am absolutely surrendered to You, my Spirit. Lift me higher and higher and higher.
Away from all the thoughts and things that were not the spirit. Make me complete Spirit.

Forget all that was there. That elevation, that ascent becomes fast quick trip. A very fast thing.
If you just try this every moment, anything that goes against the Spirit must be given up. And that Spirit is what? The pure desire.
We have to be one with the Spirit, and all the rest is not important.
You are in the beautiful Kingdom of God where all ugliness drops out like when the lotus opens out; all the mud drops out from it.
In the same beautiful way, let My children become fragrant beautiful offerings to Lord Sadāshiva.
May God bless you.

Śhrī Mātājī's prayer for the Spirit (left heart): Prayer, praises and protocol, page 142

Suggested Talk: 1996-0303 Śhivarātri Pūjā, Motivate Your Attention or God's Realization, Bundilla Scout Camp, 6 Baden Powell Pl, Winston Hills (35 kms E of Sydney), New South Wales, Australia



Gaiye Gaṇapati Jagvandan

Tere hi Gun gate hai

Hasat Ali

Śhambhu Śhaṅkara

Bolo Śhiv Śhiva Śhambhu Bam Bam Bam

Bolo Śhiva Śhambhu Śhiva Śhaṅkara

Śhiv Bhola Bhandari

Śhrī Śhiva Āratī (2002-0317 Śhivarātri Pūjā, Pune)

Auṃ Śhivam Śhivakaram Śhāntam Śhiv’ākaram
Auṃ to the auspicious One, the bestower of auspiciousness, the One who is peace, who is the auspicious Spirit,
Śhiv’ottamam Śhivamārga Pranetāram Pranatosmi Sadāśhivam
The highest, most auspicious and beautiful One, who is the path of auspiciousness, before whom everyone prostrates, I bow to the Lord God Almighty.
We, the children, bow with complete devotion and adoration to the Sacred One who resides in the heart of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. From Him came the desire for our emancipation.

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!