2022 Celebrating Mahāśhivarātri: “what demarcates today’s celebration, is the establishment of Śhiva on this Earth”

11 minute read


"Today is the day when we celebrate Mahāśhivarātri. It's a great day, or we should say great night. This Pūjā should have been in the night!
It's a great night when Śhiva was established on this Earth.
Because that way Śhiva is eternal. So one would say that, `Why Śhiva, like a Birthday of Śhiva you can say or something, how can it be? Because He is eternal! He is all the time there!' So, what demarcates today's celebration, is the establishment of Śhiva on this Earth. In the material self.
Every matter has been created with a Deity in [it]. And that Deity is established in that matter as you know. So, then it was thought by Ādi Śhakti that first you must establish Śhiva: without Śhiva you cannot establish anything. First He is to be established, because He is the Absolute."

1982-0222 Śhivarātri Pūjā, The Establishment of Śhiva on This Earth (We Have to Take Śhiva and Establish Him into the Virāṭ) and Śhiva Tattwa (What Makes Mother Pleased), New Delhi, India

"Today is the great day I said of Mahāśhivarātri. It's really a very great day because today is this great Kailāśha was established.
...... He was reflected on this Earth as Śhiva on the Kailāśha. His residence is Kailāśh. That is why He is a Dakṣhiṇāmūrti, He is looking at the dakṣhiṇ -- means looking at the south. He's looking at the south because He is the man who is the Spectator of all the things that are happening."

1982-0222 Public Program (English+Hindi) (Śhivarātri Day), Day 5, Lord Śhiva, Gāndhī Bhawan, Delhi University, North Campus, GC Narang Road, Timarpur, New Delhi, India

Lalat.Pe Hai Chandra Mā
Jata Me Gangadhar.
Chadi Hai Bhasma Ang. Pe
Gale Me Sarpahar. Hai

O Lord Śhiva, the moon is shining on Your forehead. Your hair is tied as a jatt (coils) on top of your head.
A small stream of the River Ganges is flowing from this Jata.
Your body is covered with incense powder and the Divine ointments
Nava Rahe Hai Shesh.Dev.
Sar Tumhari Bhakti Me
Hai Koti Sūrya Ka Prakāśh
Śhiv Tumhari Śhakti Mein

Śheṣha (the Serpent God) is coiled around Your neck like a garland.
In His devotion to You, Śheṣha is doing a joyful dance by rhythmically swaying His head from side to side.
The power of Your Śhakti (Śhiv Śhakti) is illuminating Your Being as well as the cosmos with the radiance of a thousand suns.

"Today we are here to celebrate Mahāśhivarātri.
It’s a very great privilege for all of us to understand about Śhrī Mahādeva. Unless and until you have got your Self-realization you cannot understand what is the great personality, the character and the Powers of Śhrī Mahādeva.
Is not easy to conceive, also to reach the depth, of His greatness unless and until we are humble. We have to be very humble to reach at the Lotus Feet of Śhrī Mahādeva. As you have seen that one has to cross even the Sahasrāra to be at the Lotus Feet of this great personality. He is beyond, beyond all our conception, but He resides in our hearts as the Spirit, and is reflected very well when you get your Realization."

2001-0225 Śhivarātri Pūjā, The Destructive Power of Śhrī Mahādeva, Śhrī Śhiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex Stadium, Balewadi, Mahalunge, Pune, Maharashtra, India

"When the Kuṇḍalinī crosses the Mahālakṣhmī Path, It comes up to the Sahasrāra and breaks the Brahmarandhra,
becoming one with the All-pervading Power of the Śhiva Tattwa.
Because Sadāśhiva is on our fontanel bone, His ... His legs are resting on our fontanel bone area.
When the Kuṇḍalinī touches His Feet, then the Śhiva Tattwa in our heart, which is the Spirit, is enlightened, and we get the enlightenment.
This is the Yoga, which we achieve through our uh Sahaja System.
And that is why we have now worshiped the Mahālakṣhmī."

1979-0225 Śhivarātri Pūjā (Marathi+English) (Śhivarātri Day), Pune, Maharashtra, India

"I have told you about the origin before. Because on the Day of Mahāśhivarātri, when there is a talk about Śhivjī, then it has to begin with origin. How much He is Primordial, means when there is a first manifestation of form of God Almighty.
He is called as Sadāśhiva when He is enlightened from Brahma. That is why the one who is Śhivjī is called as Ādi [Primordial].
You see, before the complete manifestation of any tree its seed has to be seen first and that is why it has to be called ‘Bīj Swarūpa’ – form of the seed. That is why the glory of Śhiva is very important. After that, after His manifestation, the power within Him gets Her form and is called as Ādi Śhakti.
The same Ādi Śhakti enlightens the three forms of the God differently which you know as Brahmā, Viṣhṇu and Maheśh, that is, Śhiv Śhaṅkar. It means that Ādi Śhakti holds the three aspects of a diamond.
And when in the Doomsday the whole created universe, whole manifested world gets dissolved and the same is incarnated in the form of Brahma, then also Sadāśhiva remains there. And his connection to the part of God is always maintained which is never manifested and which is a non-being."

1976-0229 Śhivarātri Pūjā (Hindi), Utpatti -- Ādi Śhakti aur Śhiva ka Swarūp (Genesis -- Ādi Śhakti and Śhiva in Form), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Na Me Dwesh. Rago, Na Me Lobh. Moh.
No liking, loathing, greed have I within,
Madho Naeva Me Naeva Maksar. Bhav.
Nor mind's desire of things, nor desired things
Na Dharmo, Na Chhatho, Na Kamo, Na Moksh.
I have nothing of pride or liberation, nor ego, nor dharma itself

Śhivo.ham, Śhivo.ham
I am Śhiva, I am Śhiva

"It’s a great pleasure that from all over the world people have gathered to worship Śhiva. Actually, we should say it is Sadāśhiva that we are going to worship today. As you know the difference between Sadāśhiva and Śhrī Śhiva. Sadāśhiva is the God Almighty and He is a witness of the play of the Primordial Mother.
The combination between Sadāśhiva and the Primordial Mother Ādi Śhakti is just like a moon and the moonlight or the sun or the sunlight. We cannot understand such relationship in human being, among human marriages or among human relationships. So whatever the Ādi Śhakti’s creating, which is the desire of Sadāśhiva, is being witnessed by Him. And when He is watching this creation He is witnessing all of it into all details. He witnesses the whole universe and He also witnesses this Mother Earth, all the creation that is done by the Ādi Śhakti. His Power is of witnessing and the Power of Ādi Śhakti is this All-pervading Power of Love.
So the God Almighty, the Father, the Primordial Father we can say, expresses His Desire, His Icchā Śhakti as the Primordial Mother and She expresses Her Power as Love. So the relationship between the two is extremely understanding, very deep, and whatever She’s creating, if She finds, if He finds there is some problem or there are people, human beings specially who are trying to obstruct Her work, or even the Gods who are not the Deities are trying to express their egos, He is the one who brings forth their destruction. So He is the one who is responsible for the destructive power."

1994-0314 Śhivarātri Pūjā (English+Hindi), Surrender, New Delhi, India

"I had told that Śhiva Pūjā means more explanation, more understanding, more this thing; because in other Pūjās we do all these mantras, this, that, but in this Pūjā is to know the knowledge, it’s God.
And to know that you know God itself is so great. Whatever it is – She may be Mahāmāyā, She may be anything, but I know Her. It cannot be described in one book, it cannot be described in hundred books.
It cannot be described in words, but to know that’s God – after all, that’s God, God Almighty. And that gives you that beautiful surrender, where you just feel absolutely secured in that Ocean of Love.
I wish you all to achieve that state.
May God bless you."

1991-0216 Śhivarātri Pūjā, Four Nāḍīs of the Heart, Cinema Garden Theater, Chianciano Terme, Italy

"...... we have to invite, Āvāhana as they call it, innovation, invite the Deity of Śhiva and Pārvatī.
And then we have to put our hearts to pour its [their] love, which is called as Abhiṣheka, through the e... symbol of water. The ... the ... water container is like a heart, which pours the water all the time on the Feet, showing that,
‘It is our heart which is pouring our love on Śhiva.’ By which we win Him over, and call Him, invite Him.
And after that,
we will give Him what He likes the most: is the belapatra, which is at ... leaf which has got three leaves on one stem.
Which means: His Three Powers, Triguṇātmika, Threesh Powers.
So, with our Three Powers, our Triguṇās, our Three Powers, we surrender ourselves to Śhiva.
And, by that, we show that:
‘We give our triguṇas to You so that we become Guṇātīt.’
This is what is the Śhiva Pūjā.

May God bless you."

1979-0225 Śhivarātri Pūjā (Marathi+English) (Śhivarātri Day), Pune, Maharashtra, India

Ātmā Tvam Girija Mātī Sahachara Pranah Śharīram Griham
Puja Te Vishayopabhoga-Rachana Nidra Samadhi-Sthitih |
Sanchara Padayo Pradakṣhiṇa-Vidhi Stotrani Sarva Giro
Yadnyat-Karma Karomi Tat-Tad-Akhilam Śhambho Tava-Aradhanam ||

O Lord, You are my Ātmā, Devī Girijā (the Divine Mother) is my Buddhi (Pure Intellect), the Śhiva's gaṇas (the Companions or Attendants) are my Prāṇa and my Body is Your Temple,
My Interactions with the World are Your Worship and my Sleep is the State of Samādhi (complete absorption in You),
My Feet Walking about is Your Pradakṣhiṇa (Circumambulation); all my Speech are Your Hymns of Praises,
Whatever work I do, all that is Your Ārādhanā (Worship), O Śhambhu.

Śhrī Śhiv Manas Pūjā - composed by Śhrī Ādi Śhaṅkarāchārya

Śhiva Āratī

Suggested Talk: 1994-0314 Śhivarātri Pūjā (English+Hindi), Surrender, New Delhi, India



Jay Gaṇeśh, Jay Gaṇeśh

Bhole Bābā Chale Kailash

Śhrī Śhiv Manas Pūjā

Bolo Śhiva Śhiva Śhambhu

Śhrī Śhiv Aṣhṭakam

Dum dum damaro baje

Ātmā Aṣhṭakam

Aya Mātā Ka Pūjan Din Aya

Śhrī Śhiv Pañchākṣhara Stotra

"When your Kuṇḍalinī pierces the Sahasrāra, Śhrī Mahādeva is seated there.
That is why He is called Mahādeva, the God of Gods ......"

2004-0215 Śhivarātri Pūjā (Hindi+English), Kalyāṇ and Kaiyvalya, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Sat-chid’ānanda rūpah, Śhivo’ham, Śhivo’ham
I am in the form of Sat (truth, Self or existence), Chit (awareness or consciousness) and Ananda (bliss or pure joy)
I am Śhiva, I am Śhiva!

Auṃ Twameva sākṣhāt Śhrī Śhiva sākṣhāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devī namo namaḥ!
O Divine Mother, You are verily Śhrī Śhiva.
Salutations to You!

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!