2022 Celebrating Holī Festival: “All the colors also, if you see, are the colors of the Devī, Holī is played with the colors of the seven chakras.”

8 minute read


"I think we have had a nice time in this Holī, and we should always have such a nice time. Always with Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa’s blessings, you all should enjoy your Holī. But the greatest Holī is within yourself when you fill yourself with all kinds of colors. Your nature should be such that everybody should enjoy that color. That color that is within you, color of beauty – not artificial, just showing off, just giving something without any love."
1984-0317 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (English+Hindi+English), Raṃgavalī Holī Celebration, Universal Sahaja Yoga Temple, Āśhram, 78 Kṛiṣhṇa Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi, India

"There should be no feeling of sin in it and the heart should have no bad feeling. This was how the festival of Holī was celebrated ...... The attention must be absolutely pure."
1991-0228 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Hindi+English), Raṃgavalī Holī Celebrations, New Delhi, India

"Śhrī Rāma incarnated before Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa. He was Maryādā Puruṣhottama and as such lived a very austere life. As a result of the austerities practiced by the King Himself, the whole society turned sober and serious. The element of joy and gaiety was completely missing. In Dwāpara Yuga, when Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa incarnated, He wanted to put an end to this extreme seriousness prevalent in the society. He thought of having a festival in which everyone could laugh heartily and have fun and joy. So the festival of color Holī, was started with this purpose."
2002-0329 Comment, On the Note Written by a Politician New Sahaja Yogi Accompanying the Flowers Bouquet He Brings, before Holī Pūjā (Holī Raṃgavalī), Palam Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana, India

"He started playing with colors and so on.
All the colors also, if you see, are the colors of the Devī, Holi is played with the colors of the seven chakras.
Put all the colors of the chakras onto you! play with joy, enthusiasm, and happiness."

1983-0329 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Hindi), Raṃgavalī Holī Celebrations, Universal Sahaja Yoga Temple, Āśhram, 78 Kṛiṣhṇa Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi, India

"He started also this Holī, in which you should play with colors, maybe to get rid of the color barriers we have, maybe. In America, it is a very good idea to play with colors and put some black on the Whites and some whites on the Black and they can see for themselves how stupid it is to fight in the name of color."
1996-0901 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa and Sahaja Culture, Hangar, Cabella Ligure, Alessandria, Italy

[Inner awareness and a good attention is very important for burning your inner negativity. Only when it is burnt can you ascend on Nirmala Tattwa. Then you celebrate the real Holī, enjoy and play with color. Sahaja Yoga’s Holī should be the Holī of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa.]

1995-0318 Holī Pūjā (the day after the Raṃgavalī Holī), Holī Message, Sahaja Yoga Temple, C-17, Qutub Institutional Area behind Qutub Hotel, New Delhi, India

"Then the colors are, the colors are all representing your chakras. These are all the chakras as you know. Every chakra has got different color. So what happens? These colors just get distributed in the air, in the atmosphere. During Holi time you [Unclear know you] are representing those colors which are completely permeating into the atmosphere. So this is another thing when you play colors. When you color another person, you are just expressing that these, your chakras will be blessed. Red color is of the Mūlādhāra. All those colors that you use here are of different chakras. So just you are making the whole expression of your love that let it be you become completely filled with red color, means innocence, means innocence. Because as a child in the womb of the mother just sees the red color of the mother, color of the blood.
So like that you see different colors are spread on the face. And
abhira is the green color of the Guru Tattwa. Like that all these colors have got significance that they are the colors of your chakras which you are spreading all over to your friends, to your other brothers and sisters who are Sahaja Yogis. So it has that symbolic expression that you are spreading your – actually the essence of your chakra, the basis of your chakra, the colors of your chakra, the fragrance of those chakras to other Sahaja Yogis.
You just permeate, permeating. I don’t know in Hindi language if there is a better word like in Marathi ‘ud-har’, udahr. ‘Udhar’ means just ......
... red color, is the sign of innocence. So Kabira says that, “You put me into such a color. Oh, the one who is going to color me is the One.” Rangaraj is the one who colors things. So He says, “Oh Rangaraj, make me so that the whole thing becomes red – innocence, fills me up with complete innocence.” And innocence is the one he has asked for to be filled in. And same is with Shrī Kṛiṣhṇa that He played with all these different colors to show that there are different charkas within us apart from the red and the others that are there. All of them play a part to create a beautiful joyful personality."

1984-0317 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (English+Hindi+English), Raṃgavalī Holī Celebration, Universal Sahaja Yoga Temple, Āśhram, 78 Kṛiṣhṇa Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi, India

Abīr Gulāl Udhalitha Ran
Natha Ghari Nāche Mājha Sakha Pandurang
Amidst the fragrant colourful powder strewed in the air,
Panduranga who is my master as well as my friend is dancing in his abode.
- Abīr Gulāl - Abhang by Sant Chokhamela
Abīr Gulāl

"So, with Holī after dahan [scorching], like I said yesterday, let us decide today, that now Holī will be like Diwālī. The joy of it should be overwhelming. Why the joy of Holī? Although we burn just one Holikā but afterward, the joy flows in the Collective Consciousness, whether he is a sweeper or a garbage collector, or even any other person working in the house. Like in My family, in Lucknow, from where My family belongs, these people are landlords. So the sweeper does not dare to enter inside the house. People don’t like them coming even their threshold, to that extent. They reprimanded them.
But on the Day of Holī, any person, whether he is a master or a servant, anybody, they all play Holī together. Even if you tear the clothes of the master then also no one will reprimand you on the Day of Holī. This is the way a social and collective celebration of happiness started in our country."

1983-0329 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Hindi), Raṃgavalī Holī Celebrations, Universal Sahaja Yoga Temple, Āśhram, 78 Kṛiṣhṇa Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi, India

Tere ranga me aise range ham, dujā ranga nā lāge,
We are colored so deep and complete in Your color
Tum bin koi nazar nā āe, in naino ke āge
No other color will reflect through us, We are unable to see anything but You
Jala ko sthala ko sāre jagata,Rangā ranga banāyā
Through these eyes, You have made not only water and land But the whole universe very colorful
Ranga de jhini Hari, Mā ke ranga me kāyā, (kāyā)
God (Hari) please color my body (kaya) in the color of my Holy Mother
Ranga nā de ise, chanchala mana ko, Apne ranga me māyā
Let my body not be adorned, By the hideous color of materialism
Ranga de jhini Hari, Mā ke ranga me kāyā, (kāyā)
God (Hari) please color my body in the color of my Holy Mother


Holi Khelat

Śhrī Mā Hain Rang Raij Chunar Mori Rang

Shri Mataji Playing with Dandiya Sticks

Āj Rang Hai Sahaj Ka

Kṛiṣhṇa Govinda

Wishing you all a joyful Holī!!!

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!