2022 Celebrating Birthday Pūjā: “The world itself became a lotus, full of fragrance of Divinity.”

12 minute read


"You needed a Mother to look after you, to care for you and to be able to transform you with lot of wisdom. So every birthday I find that Sahaja Yogis are also expanding their hearts and realizing that they are no more drops but they are part and parcel of the Ocean.
And that the Ocean itself is going to strengthen them and look after them. It's the Ocean that is going to nourish them. And the same Ocean is going to guide them. So the connection between a drop and an Ocean has to be fully established. So the limitations of a drop have to be absolutely dissolved into the greatness of the Ocean.
With care and with nice things to say we can improve the depth of the collectivity, and with sincere desire to be collective. The desire to be collective has to be very sincere.
So, this expanse of your being will start.
The first thing is needed: a sincerity to yourself."

1990-0321 Birthday Pūjā, Ballroom, Curzon Hall, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

"If you are coming to Sahaja Yoga, what you have to get is an Ocean of Love within your heart, and to see that in others also. It's a love -- which helps you to do everything so smoothly, so beautifully."
2001-0321 Birthday Pūjā, New Delhi, India

Śhrī Mātājī Vandu Tav Charaṇa,
Śhrī Mātājī, we bow to Your Lotus Feet
Nirmal he Vishwa apule
You’ve created this faultless creation
*Namavito he Shisha Amuche
We have one request on this auspicious day Śhrī Mātājī
Yoga tav.dila, Ashirvad. dya Amha
And You have given us Sahaja Yoga to enjoy the life
*Apulya Janm. dina, Ashirvad. dya Amha
On Your birthday, Let Your holy presence be in our hearts

Tuts. Majha Janani, Vinati tav. Amuchi
You are our Divine Mother
*Hya Shubhadini, Vinati tav. Amuchi
On this auspicious day
Amuchya Hridayat. Raho
And we have a special request to You
Mangal. Murti hi Apuli
May Your auspicious presence be felt
In our hearts all the time.
Śhrī Mātājī Vandu Tav. Charaṇa
Australian's presented this bhajan on occasion of 70th Birthday of Śhrī Mātājī.
(*these lines to be sung on Śhrī Mātājī's Birthday)

"In these modern times, to have such bhaktas, itself is a big blessing for Me. So as you say, “Mother, bless us,” I say, “You also bless Me.” You have already blessed Me by this beautiful arrangement you have made, the way you have put yourself, surrendered yourself for this great Pūjā. Because all is such an interdependent process. You do the Pūjā. I can’t do the Pūjā. You have to do the Pūjā. When you do the Pūjā, the chakras are awakened. Mine are awakened, but in you, they are awakened.
Now how to explain to people what is the importance of Pūjā is. If you have not tasted the fruit of a Pūjā it is impossible to explain. It is at a higher level only one can understand all these things. But so far whatever was done was at such a lower level by such low type of people that everything became absolutely unholy. It was all unholy doing and because of that unholy doing God, Himself is unhappy.
So He has created this Universe to create realized Souls, not to create useless people, not to create people who do not believe in God, who do not believe in higher life, who do not believe in leading a life of purity. He never created this Universe for them. They are just existing, just like dead people. They are not living people. So those who believe in God, those who worship Him with all purity, are actually, in a way, giving blessings to God because it is so pleasurable for Him to see that they have understood, that they have felt it, that they have liked it."

1983-0330 Birthday Pūjā and Havan (English+Marathi), Birla Matushri Sabhagar, New Marine Lines, Churchgate, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Shubh Mangalmay, Divas He Aya
The Auspicious Benevolent Day has come
Ādi Śhakti, Swayam Hain Padhāri
Ādi Śhakti has come Herself
Shubh Mangalmay, Divas He Aya
The Auspicious Benevolent Day has come. Sur Nar Muni, Sab Jhūm Rahe Hain
Aaj Prakriti Khil, Phul Rahi Hai
Phūl Khile, Bhanware Khag Mil Ke
Rachaita Ke, Hi Gun Gāyen
Shubhmangalmaye diwas hai āya


"The birthday of your Mother, and all such celebrations, have a very deep significance. Because on such occasions, special vibrations flow in the atmosphere. When all the celestial bodies, the Eternal Personalities, Gods and Goddesses, s-sing the praise, and that's how the whole atmosphere is filled with mirth and happiness.
Human beings also, express their gratitude. Expression of gratitude and love is done in different, different ways in different countries, but the substance remains the same and the forms change.
The substance is like the ocean which flows continuously towards the shores, and the ripples which touch the shores are again repelled back, and a nice pattern is formed. It is such a spontaneous thing, and is so beautiful, creates such a beautiful pattern in the atmosphere. All these waves when they weave together the pattern of love, they soothe human beings, they enchant human beings, and the whole thing is very blissful.
On such occasions a special type of feelings develop, which we cannot express in words so the expression could be in any form. But the main thing is the expression. God has expressed Himself by Creation, by creating this Creation. While the Creation has to express its gratitude by glorifying Him, and this play must go on eternally. It's the most beautiful play. Those who indulge into this play lead an eternal life. That life is unending, never breaks and binds the whole universe with its beautiful music."

1980-0323 Birthday Pūjā, Guarding Against Slothfulness, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 4A Castletown Road, London W14 9HE, UK

Happy Birthday Śhrī Mātājī!!!
Janam. din. ayo, Ādi Śhakti ka
Ādi Śhakti's Birthday has come!
Smaran. din. ayo, Nirmal. Bhakti ka
The day of recollection of Divine devotion has come!

"All the Sahaja Yogis who have come here, all the other people who have joined us here, who are celebrating this earthly Birthday of Mine, I am very thankful, very grateful and I am filled with great joy and happiness. And My vibrations are flowing from My eyes as tears to see that in this Kali Yuga also there are people who are gratif... grateful to a Mother who just gives a[n] abstract thing known as vibrations.
On this day I would request you to think of love all the time. Love is all knowledge. Knowledge is all love. There's nothing beyond. If you have knowledge, it has to pass the test of love. If you know a person, it makes no record on you because you know him from outside. But if you love a person, then you know the person out and out. You know him so well, you know him everything, the way he is. It is this knowledge that is what we call is the para [beyond] knowledge. That is the knowledge we have to seek."

1977-0321 Birthday Pūjā, Cowasji Jehangir Hall, 15, Madam Cama Road, Mantralaya, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

"I’m telling them about Love, All-pervading Love of God Almighty. He’s created this whole thing. The whole atmosphere is there. The whole feeling is there of love. But it’s possible only for people who are innocent, like children. If you are very mature in your hatred, no one can save you. You’ll have ten arguments to show that your hatred is justifiable. Then you’ll go to any extent to justify it.
We had people in our country, which is a very, supposed to be a very sober country, a very peaceful country, we had people who just believe in killing – kill this, kill that. So even in this country, which didn’t believe in all these things, indulged into all kinds of violence since long. But basically, we are people who believe in peace because without peace no growth can take place.
There has to be complete peace. If there is peace in your heart, if there is peace surrounding you, you grow into a beautiful nation. Not out of fear, not out of pressure, but from inside, if you are person who has complete peace within the heart, not that he is not afraid of anything, but he emits peace, he gives peace. Anybody who goes near such a person, gets the peace, the feeling of peacefulness.
You all are Sahaja Yogis. You all have got your Realization, that is, your Spirit is now emitting vibrations of peace and joy. Wherever you are, you will emit peaceful vibrations. You will create peace. You’ll find out ways of creating peace, how to establish peaceful atmosphere. It’s very important that we have to grow in such a manner that we create peace and give peace to others and become examples of it."

2002-0321 Birthday Pūjā (Hindi+English), Nirmal Dham, Behind BSF Camp Chhawala, New Delhi, India

"With your good wishes, with your prayers, this world will be so beautiful, so enchanting, that, in the history, people will describe that, ‘The world itself became a lotus, full of fragrance of Divinity.’ You are the petals, you are the corona, you are the color, you are the beauty, you are the pollen of that beautiful lotus, which is My vision of this world.
I hope, today, you all will decide to work for Sahaja Yoga, to spread Sahaja Yoga, and work for yourself also.
The only danger is: that one should not allow ego to sit on your heads. That’s the only horse.
If you could ride yourself and don’t ... don’t allow the horse to ride you, you’ll progress very fast, beautifully.
Thus, I am sure, Sahaja Yoga will spread."

1993-0321 Birthday Pūjā, Satya Yuga, New Delhi, India

By Your grace was I blessed with this Yoga so easily.
And at Your Lotus Feet, I received it.
As my attention immerses in the depth of myself, I lose my I-ness.
And the light of myself engulfs me from within.
As the ecstatic attention now settles on the tenth door (brahmarandhra),
The unstruck sound (the original sound of the creation) becomes audible.
All the Gods worship you, bowing themselves to Your Lotus Feet.
And it is these Lotus Feet that I now feel in Myself
You pulsate in every particle and are the living force of awareness.
It is You who are expressing Yourself in the mobile and immobile forms.
You are without beginning, You are infinite, You are without Ending, Eternal.
Let mankind be blessed by the presence of your Saguna Form forever


Suggested Talk: 1993-0321 Birthday Pūjā, Satya Yuga, New Delhi, India



Vandana kare vandana

Arpan Ye Tan Man Śhrī Mā Tere Charnan


Chhindwada Mein

Thank You for letting us participate in the salvation of mankind.
Thank You for giving us the joy of introducing a yearning seeker to Your redeeming Motherly Love.
Thank You for inviting all of us to the court of the Goddess.
Thank You for establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Thank You for accepting our offerings and prayers.
Thank You for showering Your blessings endlessly upon us.

Putra Vatsala Kalyani
O benevolent Mother, You love all Your children
Mahā Patak Nashini
O Mother, You are the destroyer of even the greatest sins
Yoga Kshema Vivardhini
O Mother, You are the Giver of Yoga and well being
Niranand Pradayini
O Mother, Your are the Giver of eternal joy
Maharupa Mahapujya
O Mother, You are the All prevading Divine being, one who is worshipped by everyone
Ādi Mātā Nirmalā Mā
Eternal Mother, Śhrī Nirmalā Mā

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!