2022 Celebrating Śhrī Hanumān Jayanti: “He is the one who controls, or is the Lord of this ether, the subtle of the ether.”

10 minute read


"Today we have come here to do Hanumāna’s Pūjā.
Śhrī Hanumāna is a great character in our being and He runs all the way from Swādhiṣhṭhāna to your brain and He supplies all the necessary guidance we need in our futuristic planning or in our mental activities. He gives us guidance and protection.
It is very surprising how a Deity like Śhrī Hanumāna, who is an eternal child because He was like a monkey. His head was that of a monkey, if not of an elephant.
So He was an eternal child and He was the one who was used to run the right side of human beings. He was told that “You must control the Sun,” to begin with He has to control the Sun, that the Sun in the people, if there is too much Sun then He must try to control it and make it cooler or smoother."

1990-0831 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā, Electromagnetic Force, Schloss Schwetzingen, Frankfurt, Germany

Jay Hanumāna gyana guna sagara
Victory to Śhrī Hanumāna, the Ocean of Knowledge and Virtue.
Jay Kapisa tihun-loka ujagara
Hail! Great Lord of the monkeys who illuminates the three worlds.
Śhrī Hanumāna Chalisa
(Verses in praise of Śhrī Hanumāna by Tulasīdās)

"Today we are celebrating Hanumāna’s Jayanti [birthday].
What to say about Hanumāna? The more powerful and wise, he was equally devoted and dedicated. Generally such a powerful person becomes right-sided and considers himself so high that he would not listen to anyone else. But Hanumāna is a special Deity, a typical Deity full of qualities. There was a perfect balance between his devotion and power. How could he achieve this balance is a thing to be understood. In Sahaja Yoga, when we are enlightened, we get many powers. Then we have to keep balance. We love others and with the power of the love, we keep on doing our duties.
Each cell of Śhrī Hanumāna’s body was filled with power and devotion. Because of this speciality today we worship Śhrī Hanumāna all over the world. Small, small foreign children, when they start painting, I am surprised, first of all paint the picture of Śhrī Hanumāna."

1999-0331 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā (Hindi), Krishna Sundar Garden, Amit Gaikwad Mala, Erandwane, Mhatre Bridge, Pune, Maharashtra, India

"Now, the subtle of the ether that we have is under the command of Śhrī Hanumāna.
He is the one who controls, or is the Lord of this ether, the subtle of the ether."

1990-0831 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā, Electromagnetic Force, Schloss Schwetzingen, Frankfurt, Germany

Auṃ Twameva sākṣhāt Śhrī Devadūt sākṣhāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devī namo namaḥ!
(The messenger of God, You are the Archangel Gabriel)

Jay Hanumān

"And the specialty of Hanumāna was that He was an angel. Angels are born like angels. They are angels, and they are not human beings. They’re born with the angelic qualities. But now, you all have become angels from the human beings. It’s a very great achievement of Sahaja Yoga. The qualities that are born with the angels are seen from their very childhood.
So in the left side, we have gaṇas, on the right side, we have angels. And translated in Sanskrit language or in any Indian language as Devadūt – means they are the Ambassadors of Gods. So now you are the same, you are all angels now. Only thing you are not aware that you are angels while they were aware from their childhood. If you know that you are angels, all your qualities will start shining through, and you’ll be amazed that the quality of standing by the Truth at any cost is so easily managed for you because you have been given the right, you have been given the special blessings, the special protection from the Divine that if you stand for the right, and if you stand for the righteous, and if you stand for the Truth, all kinds of help to protect you will be given."

1989-0423 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā (St. George's Day), You Are All Angels, Cliftonville, Margate (123 kms ESE of London), UK

"He is an angel as you know, according to Christian, we should say, according to Bible, that He is the angel called Gabriel. Now, Gabriel is the one who brought the message, because He’s always a messenger, to Maria and surprisingly the words He used were “Immaculeta Salve.” That’s My name. My first name is Mātājī Nirmalā Devī, means Immaculeta and surname is Salve. He said those words to Her.
So Maria has to do quite a lot with Hanumāna all Her life. That means Maria is the Mahālakṣhmī.
Mahālakṣhmī being the Sītā, Sītā, then Rādhā, Hanumāna has to be there to serve Her. And that is why, you see, sometimes people say, “Mother, how did You know? Mother, how did You come to know? Mother, how did You send the message? Mother, how did You work it out?” Can you imagine?
This is Śhrī Hanumāna’s headache, He does it. Anything passes through My mind He just takes it up and it’s done because as I told you that His whole organization is so well planned, all these messages from where do they get? Many people say, “Mother, I just prayed to You.”"

1990-0831 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā, Electromagnetic Force, Schloss Schwetzingen, Frankfurt, Germany

He Ale Kiti Gele Kiti, Sampale Bharara
So many have come and so many have gone.
Tujhya Pari Nawatsare, Azuni Darara, Ha!
But Your name is ever so powerful
He Dhavat.Ye Lav.Kari, Amhi Zhalo Re hairana
Please come quickly, as we are growing tired of fighting this negativity!
Ek Mukhana Bola, Bola Jay, Jay Hanumān
With one voice let us praise, victory to Hanumān.
Śhrī Hanumāna (Anjanichya Suta) (1989-0423 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā)

Auṃ Twameva sākṣhāt Śhrī Bhakti-Śhakti Samādhikarī sākṣhāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devī namo namaḥ!
You are the master of balancing devotion (left) and power (right)

"We say that Sahaja Yoga is the work of Divine Love. It’s right, whether we know it or not, Its power is innate. It is Divine Power. When a human bowing before someone and regards him higher, it is the expression of that Divine Power. But when a person is respectful to his guru then he gets blessed with the grace and power of the guru.
So the devotion and the power (bhakti aur śhakti) are not different things. It is one. We shall say that the right side is the source of power and the left of bhakti. Śhrī Hanumāna had in Him this harmony of bhakti and śhakti."

1999-0331 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā (Hindi), Krishna Sundar Garden, Amit Gaikwad Mala, Erandwane, Mhatre Bridge, Pune, Maharashtra, India

"The dignity of your power lies in becoming the guardians of poor and downtrodden. You have no need to fight with those who harass them and put them to trouble. Only bandhan will do the whole work for you. The power that you have achieved should be used to finish the negativity. But like Hanumāna you do not have to take Sword and Gadā in your hands. Your power is within you. By your experiences, you could see that anyone harassing you is automatically finished, whether you take up weapons or not. Thus you are protected and with you, other Sahaja Yogis will also be protected. In it, Śhrī Hanumāna has an important role. You do not know that he is with you. His nature is as pure and innocent as that of a child.
But he is very discreet and full of all the qualities. He was blessed with Divine Discretion with which he could judge and understand everything with love."

1999-0331 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā (Hindi), Krishna Sundar Garden, Amit Gaikwad Mala, Erandwane, Mhatre Bridge, Pune, Maharashtra, India

"What we have to learn from Śhrī Hanumāna is this devotion (bhakti) and the power that he has given to you.
If your devotion is real, then no one dares touch you. No one could touch.

There are thousands of examples in Sahaja Yoga. People call them miracles.
But I say that it is no miracle, it is the blessing of Śhrī Hanumāna.
So My blessings and Love to you all. Love yourself, also love others.
Do not confine your love to “my son, my this, my that.” No!
Love means selfless love (Nirvāja Pyār) love that expects no return, love that is not confined to relations only.
You have been blessed with such unfathomable Power of Love. Use it.
Infinite blessings."

1999-0331 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā (Hindi), Krishna Sundar Garden, Amit Gaikwad Mala, Erandwane, Mhatre Bridge, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Suggested Talk: 1990-0831 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā, Electromagnetic Force, Schloss Schwetzingen, Frankfurt, Germany



Śhrī Hanumāna Chalisa Translation in English

Nām Gheta mukhi raghavache (1999-0331 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā)

Bhar De Itani Bhakti Mā

He Mā de bhakti ka dān

"Such dedication for Śhrī Rāma that by the time He grew up He got Nine Siddhis, Navadhā Siddhis. Nine Siddhis He got.
These siddhis are like this that He could become big, He could become so heavy that nobody could lift Him, He could become so sūkṣhma that nobody could see Him, He could become so subtle that nobody could see Him.
There are Nine Siddhis that He got.
So, a person who has got the right side too much in him, He controls him with these Nine Siddhis.
He has got another siddhis, which are very interesting is that He can extend His – He doesn’t have many weapons, He has only one gadā in His hand and He can extend His tail to any extent and He can handle people with His tail, He does not have to use His hand. Sitting down here, He can put the tail around anywhere.
If He wants He can just make a mountain of His tail and sit on that.
Like He has all these monkey tricks as you call them, you see, and all these tricks He has within Himself is to control a person who is extremely right-sided, to begin with.
Then He can fly in the air. Just ... He doesn’t have any wings, but He can just fly in the air.
That means He can become so big that the amount of air He displaces has much more weight than His own weight ......"

1990-0831 Śhrī Hanumāna Pūjā, Electromagnetic Force, Schloss Schwetzingen, Frankfurt, Germany

Aum Ham Hanumate Rudr'atmakaya Hum Phat
Śhrī Hanumān, whose Soul is Śhrī Śhiva Himself

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!