2022 Celebrating Easter: “Crucifixion is the accomplishment, but Resurrection is His message.”

9 minute read


"Today we are celebrating the great event of the Resurrection of Christ. On the same pattern is your Resurrection, that you have risen to the new life of Divine Love. You were all in the knowledge that there is something higher that has to happen, that you have to be born-again. But, nobody knew how it works?
The subtle side of your being was never told to you. The Saints only talked as to how you should behave. They only said how you should try to keep a very pure life, sincere life but they didn’t tell you how it will work out. Of course, people knew in India about it, very few of them, very very few. But, now it’s a worldwide knowledge through you people.
Now when your Kuṇḍalinī rises, She is your mother, She is your individual mother and She gives you the Second Birth. That’s how you get connected to the Divine Paradise. All this, if it is told without Realization has no meaning but people are given great ideas about it and also were promised that one day your Resurrection will come."

2000-0423 Easter Pūjā, Purity Is the Basis of Your Existence, Hotel Demirkoy, Istanbul, Turkey

You were crucified and resurrected in pure Spirit.
You rose after three days.
You are peace.
You absorb all thought.
You abide in the Ādi Āgñyā chakra.

"Today we have gathered here to do the Pūjā of Easter.
In the history of spirituality, it is one of the greatest days when we find Christ rose from the dead. It is very significant and symbolic that in Sahaja Yoga, also what we have done, is to rise from the dead into life. It is to be understood that Resurrection is the message for all of us, for the whole world. We have to resurrect ourselves. There was no need for Jesus to do that. But He was a model: model of a Saint, model of a realized Soul, model of a person who came all the way from the Heavens to save us.
So this Resurrection is also part and parcel of our lives. It is so symbolic, so very symbolic, that we were, in our consciousness, lost people. We had no control over ourselves as to know the way our mind told us to go.
...... He knew when the Resurrection takes place, the Kuṇḍalinī rises and connects you to the Divine Power, which is all-pervading. Then you start understanding that there’s a life beyond the life that you have made. There’s another type of life, a higher type of life, which connects you to the Divine Power. And then this Divine Power gives you the Absolute Truth. If you grow more and more, you will know Absolute Truth because so far you don’t know."

2001-0422 Easter Pūjā, You Cannot Resurrect Yourself Without Controlling Āgñyā, Tent, Campsite (3 kms from Hotel Demirkoy), Istanbul, Turkey

"On the Easter Day, we give people eggs to remind them that, ‘You are egg now and you have to become the bird.’ But I don’t think people know that, because Resurrection is the message of Christ.
Crucifixion is the accomplishment, but Resurrection is His message.

1982-0930 Public Program, Day 4, Viśhuddhi to Sahasrāra, Urania Volkshochschulen, Volksbildungshaus, Uraniastraße 1, Vienna, Austria

"Happy Easter to you all.
So we celebrate Easter to show Christ resurrected Himself. The Spirit that is Christ has to resurrect out of the material manifestation of the Divine Itself. The matter is manifested because we ourselves have created it. Not that we are born out of matter, our body, but we are attached to it, we want it, we want to have it. Whatever you want, that sustains itself, by your desire, because now you are on the stage. If you want to sustain the matter, if you want to keep the matter as the first priority, it will remain. It cannot disappear. It has to go out of your mind that matter cannot hold you any further.
Christ rose out of the matter, came out of the tomb which symbolizes the matter which has enclosed us within, which has to be opened out with our spiritual power. Throw away the stone that is covering this grave. Get out of that and stand outside it. This is the message of Christ’s Resurrection"

1985-0408 Easter Pūjā, Montague Hall, Hounslow, London, UK

"This is the Power of Love. So far we have never used the Power of Love.
The Power of Love is very unique.
It is very easy to use the power of sword, but the Power of Love is so much more, that we forget the power of sword."

1989-0326 Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī and Easter Pūjā, Pandal, Frooti Factory, Barasat, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

"I have told you how Christ was created first in the Heavens. In the ‘Devī Māhātmyam, if you read that, He was created as Mahāviṣhṇu and is mentioned very clearly that first He was created as an egg. It is written in this book, which perhaps was written about fourteen thousand years back. It’s a book that predicts about Christ and that is why people, in the West specially, offer an egg to each other as a friend. So, first the existence came on this Earth as an egg, that was Christ, and part of it was kept in that stage and the rest of it was used by the Holy Ghost, by Mahālakṣhmī, to create Christ out of it.
In that ancient book He was called as Mahāviṣhṇu: means the Greater Form of Viṣhṇu. But actually Viṣhṇu is the Father and He is the Son created by the Holy Ghost.
After My lecture, I would like, if you have the book, to read it out to them the whole text of how Christ was created.
And when He was created, He cried for His Father, as He cried also on the cross once. And He cried for years. And then Christ, in Mahāviṣhṇu State, was blessed by His Father, who said that “Your position will be placed higher than Mine and You will be the Ādhāra,” means the Support of the Universe. See, how from Mūlādhāra He becomes the Ādhāra. This was all done at the heavenly stage, Vaikuṇṭha Stage you can say.
Then He was given birth by the Holy Ghost who was the Mother of Christ on this Earth, who was nobody else but was the Incarnation of Mahālakṣhmī, means She was Rādhā. Rā-dhā. Rā means energy, dhā means the one who sustains energy."

1982-0411 Easter Pūjā, How Christ Was Created, Resurrection of Christ, and Collective Resurrection (Mahāviṣhṇu State, Easter Is the Most Important Happening, You are a Collective Being and Collectivity Is the Nature of a Sahaja Yogi), Nirmala Palace Āśhram, 99 Nightingale Lane, Balham, London SW12 8LZ, UK

"The Redeemer was necessary, that's why Christ was established here, who was Rādhā's Son.
You would be surprised that Mary Herself was Rādhā. There is a reason for this, a great reason.
Sītājī was Śhrī Rāma's wife. Was married. The injustice that was done to Her by the society, made Her leave the house, by accusing Her falsely, disgraced Her. Why back then these great people had a blindfold on? Why didn't they say, that, `She is our Mother? You are asking Her to leave the house?' She already had passed the test, bypassing the fire, why were they dumbfounded then? What happened to their vigor [light] back then? All were so-called very great then. Nobody raised any point on that.
To teach them a lesson Rādhājī did not marry Kṛiṣhṇa under the societal norms. But still, the whole world knows Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa as Rādhā-Kṛiṣhṇa. But for Him, the formal marriage is important, that's why there was no child.
But in the next life, She came as Mary and Her Child glorified Her, who was a virgin."

1973-1208 Public Program (Hindi), Day 2, Biralā Krīṛā Keṃdra, Chowpatty, Girgaum Chowpatty, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Ādhi vyādhi maranā varati
All the diseases and problems get completely dissolved
Pāy. ashā purushāchā re
Where the Feet of God reside
Bhaya kāy. tayā prabhu jyātzā re
When we belong to God, what is there to fear?

Suggested Talk: 2001-0422 Easter Pūjā, You Cannot Resurrect Yourself Without Controlling Āgñyā, Tent, Campsite (3 kms from Hotel Demirkoy), Istanbul, Turkey



Gajānana Śhrī Gaṇarāyā

Maranache mela

Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī Stotram

Eka Gaṇapati Eka Īsā

"Christ came on this Earth to say that we have to seek our Spirit. The message of His life is His Resurrection. On the Easter Day we give eggs to each other. It is very symbolic. In Indian language a bird is called as khaga -- kha-ga -- and also dvijaḥ. The first one means the one which goes in the sky, flies in the sky. The second one means the twice-born. And a realized Soul is also called as dvijaḥ.
Christ has talked about your Second Birth throughout. He has said, ``You are to be born-again."

1980-1002 Public Program, Day 1, Geneva, Switzerland

Auṃ Twameva sākṣhāt Śhrī Sarva Granthi Vibhedinī sākṣhāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devī namo namaḥ!
(Śhrī Mātājī is breaking our shells of ego and superego through Easter egg breaking and mentions that the mantra for this is Sarva Granthi Vibhedinī)
Breaking Easter Eggs

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!