2022 Worshipping the Devī during Navarātri Festival: “Goddess used to give enlightenment and Goddess used to be alert for you”

5 minute read


"Today, we have gathered here to do the Navarātri Pūjā.
There were nine times when the Major Incarnations of the Mother of this Universe were manifested. They were manifested with a purpose. That purpose is to protect Her bhaktas, Her disciples, Her children.
This was a binding love. She could not escape it. Mother’s Love is binding. She cannot escape it. And She has to manifest it, work it out, and give that protection to all Her children. This protection in the modern times has taken another form.
In those days, the evil was trying to harm, to destroy the people who were righteous, who were bhaktas, who were doing good things, who wanted to lead a very religious life. So to save them, She incarnated.
To protect them, She incarnated. But they knew what was good, they knew what was wrong. And they wanted to preserve their good life, their precious life. They didn’t care for money, they didn’t care for power, but just they wanted their life, means they wanted to be alive to worship the Goddess. And when they were troubled or harmed or destroyed by these evil forces, She had to manifest."

1991-1013 Navarātri Pūjā (6th Day), False Religion and Recognize Me, Tent, Cabella Ligure, Alessandria, Italy

Etathe vadanam saumyam
May this benign countenance of Your,
Lochana-traya bhushitam
Adorned with three eyes,
Patu nah sarva bhuti-bhyah
Protect us from all the fears
Kātyāyanī namostute
Salutations be to You, O Kātyāyanī

"So the Sages, Saints have made this arrangement that you worship the Devī. But the person who is not realized is not authorized to worship the Devī.
So, you have a special authority with you that you can do the Pūjā of the Devī and Sākṣhāt Devī. This is not so with everyone. If everyone tries to do it, it has the reverse effect; the wrong effect.
Most important thing is, this Śhakti is so comforting, so nurturing, so generous, so loving, it is so complete. There is nothing in between. Either it is very generous or very angry. Nothing in between."

1988-1016 Navarātri Pūjā (Hindi) (6th Day), Hamāre Jīvana kā Lakṣhya (The Aim of Our Lives), Pratiṣhṭhān, NDA Road, Warje, Pune, Maharashtra, India

"Actually, nobody has right even to do a Havana unless and until he is not a realized Soul.
All this Bhūr Bhuvaḥ Swāhā whatever is said is all the seven chakras.
Nobody has the right to touch that fire because you cannot enlighten the fire.
When you get Realization you will be surprised fire gets enlightened and you put your hands towards the fire you might get a black soot coming out of you. It’s all artificial."

1984-0314 Conversation with Sahaja Yogis, Evening Program, House of Yogi Mahajan, A 47 Friends Colony East, New Delhi, India

As we perform the Havan we could recite the 108 names of Śhrī Durgā

"Goddess used to give enlightenment and Goddess used to be alert for you. She would sit like a tigress for Her children. They are praying, they are doing Pūjā, they are doing some sort of a Homa, Havana, so the Goddess would sit down, protect them from all negativity coming, all rākṣhasas coming, kill them, this, do that. But that stage is gone now. Now She's entered into you. So you have to kill your negativity, you've become as powerful as your Mother. No negativity can touch you. So you can give Realization, you've got that power very well; and you can watch your defects more than that of others. And you try to put them out because they're not good, they're not for your benevolence, they're not for your ascent."
1989-1008 Navarātri Pūjā (cusp between 8th Day and 9th Day), The Content Within (How Deeply You Have Touched the Feet of the Divine), Butlins Grand Hotel, Margate (123 kms ESE of London), UK (other day 1007)

[Śhrī Mātājī explains that Kattyayeni (Kātyāyanī) killed the demon Kolhāsur and this is why Kolhapur is called as such].
1995-03xx Conversation with K.T. Tan with a Handwritten Line, during a Meal, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

She is the destroyer of sins,
giver of both enjoyment and Moksha, without end,
giving victory [over distractions of Samsar], pure, worth taking refuge,
giver of peace, peace personified, we pray to Her.

Devī Atharva Śhīrṣha

Auṃ Twameva sākṣhāt Śhrī Kātyāyanī sākṣhāt Śhrī Ādi Śhakti Mātājī Śhrī Nirmalā Devī namo namaḥ!
O Divine Mother, You are verily Śhrī Kātyāyanī, the one who is the foster daughter of Sage Katyayana!
Salutations to You!
Namostute (Mantra of Śhrī Kātyāyanī is taken):

Suggested Talk: 1985-1020 Conversation with Sahaja Yogis, after Havan on 8th Day of Navarātri and before Departure, Rütli Kaltbad Mountain, Weggis (19 kms E of Luzern on Luzern Lake), Switzerland



Durgā Ādi Śhakti Śhrī Mātājī

Sarva Maṅgala

He Bhavānī Bhagavatī

Namostute Bhagavatī Śhrī Mātājī

Jai Durge Duargati Pariharini

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!