2022 Worshipping the Devī during Navarātri Festival: “Today is the seventh day of Her worship in Navarātri …… seventh day is for tremendous activity, tremendous creativity, and also for prosperity.”

5 minute read


"We have to today understand that, ‘Why do we do Devī Pūjā? What is the reason for this Devī Pūjā? What do we get out of it? What are we supposed to achieve in our contents within ourselves?’
The first thing is that Kuṇḍalinī is the Devī. She’s the reflection of the Ādi Śhakti. So when you worship Devī, first you worship also your own Kuṇḍalinī by giving Her credit because She has given you this Realization. It’s much deeper understanding than normally people have about the Devī Pūjā because they are not realized Souls. Their Kuṇḍalinī not is awakened. So normally when they do Devī Pūjā it’s for the purpose of getting Realization so that the Devī should be pleased – prasanna – and should give them Realization, or must get our chance to get to somebody who will give them Realization. But you are at a different level now. So it’s more of a thanksgiving to your own Kuṇḍalinī and to Ādi Śhakti, glorifying that whatever has happened so miraculously is because of the Kuṇḍalinī which was within you, which was reflected by the Ādi Śhakti."

1989-1008 Navarātri Pūjā (cusp between 8th Day and 9th Day), The Content Within (How Deeply You Have Touched the Feet of the Divine), Butlins Grand Hotel, Margate (123 kms ESE of London), UK

prakṛtistvaṃca sarvasya guṇatraya vibhāvinī
kāḷarātrirmahārātrirmoharātriśca dāruṇā

You are the primordial cause of everything
Bringing into force the three qualities (sattva, rajas and tamas)
You are the dark might of periodic dissolution
You are the great night of final dissolution and the terrible night of delusion

Chapter 1 of the Durgā Saptaśhatī, verse 75, references the destructive concept personified by Goddess Kālrātrī in all Purāṇas

"I must tell you that the Goddess took Her birth nine times on this Earth.
And today [unclear] seventh, today is the seventh day of Her worship in Navarātri, Navarātri.
And the seventh day is for tremendous activity, tremendous ... uh ... creativity, and also for prosperity."

1992-1004 Navarātri Pūjā (8th Day), Wood Room, Hotel, Sasaima (78 kms NW of Bogotá), Colombia
Bhavānī Aṣhṭakaṃ video

"Nala was told that when this time comes, thousands of people will get their Realization, they will be emancipated, they will transform. Kali said, "Those who are seeking God now in the hills and valleys, will ultimately find Him in Kali Yuga." This is the blessing."
1986-1005 Śhrī Gaurī Pūjā (Hindi+Marathi) (2nd Day of Navarātri), Garware College Hall, Pune, Maharashtra, India

"So, today's victory of the Power of the Divine Mother, is doing one very great work: is to expose. And this exposure will be condemning publicly those people who are doing wrong. If you see from that point of view, you will understand how we are victorious now."
1996-1020 Navarātri Pūjā (8th Day), Faith is the State of Being One with the Reality or Be Aware of Your Own State, Hangar, Cabella Ligure, Alessandria, Italy

"On today's auspicious occasion we have gathered here. Today is the seventh day of the Goddess. On the seventh day, the Devī Goddess destroyed the various rākṣhasas and sinners, because they were torturing the great Saints and Ṛiṣhis who were doing meditation and penance.
{We wonder, "Mother, why they did so much penance? What was the need?" The reason for doing it was because although human ascent was still low, yet their aspiration was very high. They aspired to achieve the Ātmā through the body. That is why they worked so hard and did penance in this place. It is due to their aspiration that today we are able to achieve this height. This does not mean that we should think that because of the blessing of Sahaja Yoga we are some great people or some specially chosen people by God. People who think like that will receive a great shock. You will see that those who are simple, innocent, and good-natured will ascend foremost and the rest will be left behind. Therefore just receiving your Realization is not the end.
On this auspicious occasion God Almighty has manifested all His śhaktis for your protection, benevolence and welfare. In everything God is blessing you. He wants to see you enter His Kingdom. In a way it is His Desire that you should return to your Father's home and enjoy its comforts. But at least we should be worthy of it. If we are not worthy of it then how can we enter it? We should examine our worthiness and see what it is."

1985-0329 Śhrī Śhailaputrī Devī Pūjā (English+Hindi) (7th Day of Chaitra Navarātri), Exhibition Hall, Basement of the Puruṣhottam Hotel, Talnoo, Naddi (11 kms NNE of Dharmaśhālā), Himachal Pradesh, India

Victory be to You, O Devī Chāmuṇḍā,
Victory be to You Who destroys the suffering of all living beings.
Victory be to You, O Devī, who is present everywhere.
Salutations to You O Kālarātrī (the longest night)

(from Argala Strotram)

Suggested Talk: 1989-1008 Navarātri Pūjā (cusp between 8th Day and 9th Day), The Content Within (How Deeply You Have Touched the Feet of the Divine), Butlins Grand Hotel, Margate (123 kms ESE of London), UK


Devī Atharva Śhīrṣha


Jay Bhagavatī

Parameśhwarī Bhagavatī Nirmalā

Jay Durgā Mātā Bhavānī (Rāg Durgā by Ajit Kadkade)

Jay Jagadambe

He Bhavānī Bhagavatī

Mahāmāyā Mahākālī, Jay Śherawālī

Jai Śhrī Mātājī!
On behalf of the festivity team!