Poem ‘You Are’ by Pavan Keetley, Sydney from 2002-0906 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 4

1 minute read


Before Time was, You were my Lord
You are, always will be
You are the Lord of every thing
You are Shri Ganapati

You are first principle of all
Innocence, undefiled
And all that is, is part of You
You are that divine child

You are the thought, You are the scribe
You are the tusk and hands
You are the words, You are the ink
You are That, which understands

And You my Lord are Path and Goal
You are the Sun each day
You are the Dance, You are the Moon
You are the Music ~ Play

Yours is the circle and the square
Yours is the movement too
You are auspiciousness itself
And You are all that's true

You are the Spark in every child
In every girl and boy
You are their smiles and laughter
You are their endless Joy

And You are Love with pure desire
That River ever flowing
That washes clean, renews,
invigorates our growing

And You fix up, remove, refine
so we become Your brothers
You lead us on, show us the Way
Her Lotus Feet ~ our Mother's

Jai! Jai! Ganesh! You are the Guide
The Path of pure desire
Yours are the rope and goad to use
Please lead us, ever Higher

Maha Ganesh, You are the Lord
You are, sweet Jesus, mild
We pray, become, just like Him
Pure Innocence, a Child

Nought is there Lord You cannot do,
Nought is there not in You
You are my Lord, this very self
All this, is only You.

Before Time was, You were my Lord
You are, always will be
You are the Lord of every thing
You are Shri Ganapati

SourcesS1. 2002-0906 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 4, link Archive Post 10, Part 3.