Poem by Anand (Andreas), Austria from 2003-0418 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 5

less than 1 minute read


When Thou
It is soft
In my ear
And I listen
To Thy VoiceIn Wonder

Thy Sari
Gently Moves
And Touches
My folded Hands
Motionless I stand
Waiting for Thee
When Thou listenest
It makes my heart sing
And melts my tears away

When Thou smilest
Thou sheddest
Light on our Path
And gently the
Mountains Echo
Thy Sweet Voice

But When Thou allowest us
To do Thy Pooja
The Heavens open up
In our Sahasraras
And Showers of Thy Blessings
Drench us in
Thoughtless, Endless Joy

Thank You,
Nirmala Mata-ji!

Story2003-0418 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 5: "(Andreas from Austria, who spent four weeks as a student at the Vaitarna Academy)
from the Austrian net"

SourcesS1. 2003-0418 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 5, link Archive Post 10, Part 4.