Poem from 2004-0213 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 1

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I know not how to invoke Thee
I know not how to worship Thee
I know not how to pray to Thee
Forgive me, Oh Adi Shakti.

I have no mantras, no kriya, no bhakti
Oh great Goddess, and yet
Whatever my prayers have been to Thee
Please fulfil them, Holy Mother,
through Thy Grace.

All sins have ceased, my sorrows too
My poverty has disappeared
Since I have received Thy Chaitanya
And have been blessed by Thy radiant appearance.

I know not how to surrender to Thee
and accept Thy Divine Will.
I surrender to Thee again
Please have mercy upon me:
Save me, Oh Mother
Save me, Oh Mother
Save me, Oh Father.

I must have committed a thousand sins
in my life from day to day
Please accept me as Thy humble servant
Oh Mother, forgive me!
Oh Mother, forgive me!
Oh Father, forgive me!

SourcesS1. 2004-0213 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 1, link Archive Post 10, Part 5.