Poem ‘Be Right in the Middle Path’ by Jean-Michel Huet, Sydney from 2004-0319 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 5

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Stand in the flow of Divine Vibrations
Stand in the Attention of our Mother
Focus on the true expression of your powers as Saint,
  as Sahaji,
You can change, help, Love other people
Set your attention back into Sahasrara in a second
Help someone awaken his Kundalini
With only a bandhan or a prayer,
  you can correct your child
Say ‘No!’ to destructive thoughts or attitudes
Your physical contribution to any project
  makes a difference in its success and beauty
This brings depth to our meditation,
Silent but dynamic,
Sensitive to Vibrations,
With devotion,
One is always inspired by such yogis,
They carry that strength within themselves.
Stand in the Middle Path.

SourcesS1. 2004-0319 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 5, link Archive Post 10, Part 5.