Poem by Bob Rankin, Brisbane from 2004-0213 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 1

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A brief stay in the country
Has prompted me to write
Of the divine beauty we may not see
Unless with God, we do unite.

The morning breeze among the mist
The warming sun through the hills
Are all part of nature’s list
Of beauty, that the Spirit fills.

Hearing birdsong sweetly alters
Out attention from the mundane
Creating a forgotten awareness
Nil thoughts coming from this brain.

For a moment we remember
The truth of "who are you?"
Not body, mind, but Spirit
In essence, a life born anew.

’T is true that with some practise
Of the attention towards innocence
That ego, conditioning and malice
Diminish—now that’s heaven-sent!

But, even armed with this knowledge
The student may fail to grasp
What is his or her birthright
To ascend with God, at long last.

"But how does this union happen?"
You may well rightfully ask
Well, here starts your first lesson
Let’s take the challenge to task.

’Tis a simple process really
For the kundalini to uncoil
But it must be done with authority
From a Sahaj Yogi who knows the toil.

Prepare yourself with humility
Be strong of pure desire
Then the power born from chastity
Will rise up, as cool blue fire.

Repeat the affirmations given
With hand motions to match
Expect the best to happen
And like a witness, just watch.

When the thoughts dissolve
Then the cool breeze shows
The truth, the joy and happiness
That the Spirit only knows.

This phenomenon is happening
Across all religion, caste and creed
The only question arising
Is, will you join in, to succeed?

SourcesS1. 2004-1008 and 1015 Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Page 3, link Archive Post 10, Part 5.