8 minute read


"The Nāṇakī of Guru Nāṇaka was none else but Jānakī."
1973-1125 Public Program (Hindi), Day 7, Pāne ke Bāda: Sāta Chakroṃ ke Devatā (After Getting It: Deities of the Seven Chakras), 4 Duplex Lane, New Delhi, India

"Muhammad Sāhab was the same, Dattātreya's Incarnation, and the same Incarnation was King Janaka. The same Incarnation was Nāṇaka, whose sister Nāṇakī, was the same Ādi Śhakti. She was Sītājī."
1973-1208 Public Program (Hindi), Day 2, Biralā Krīṛā Keṃdra, Chowpatty, Girgaum Chowpatty, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

"He was born as Nāṇaka. And Nāṇakī was nobody else but Jānakī."
1976-0205 Public Program (Vasant Pañchamī), Day 2, Description of Kuṇḍalinī, after Śhrī Viṣhnu Havan, New Delhi, India

"So we have to understand that if we are committing this kind of foolish thing, also can be forgiven by God because He is the Ocean of Forgiveness. She is Guru Nāṇakī. She is Dayā Sāgar [Ocean of Compassion]. He has to do it because He has to complete His creation."
1979-0328 Public Address, Inauguration of The Advent (Guḍhī Pāḍavā Day), FICCI Auditorium, 1 Tansen Mārg, New Delhi, India from Anant Jeevan, Issue 1 (July 1979), Pages 5–12

"Is ʿAlī.
And His wife, that was later on, His wife was also the same Mahālakṣhmī personified: the daughter of Nārāyaṇa [Muhammad]. She incarnated also like that.
So the, in the main, They are worshiped as three persons in India, as I told you: as first as Sītā, and then as Rādhā, and then as Mary. In ... in India, Mary, Female, is worshiped also, three, three persons.
But, otherwise, She incar-nated as Fāṭimah. And She also uh ... incarnated as Nāṇaka's sister, as Nāṇakī.
But because They were at a potential level, They were potential at that time, so, people do not know much about Them.

Even Mary was potential energy: She was not kinetic."
1982-1029 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Creation, Original Sin, and Incarnations, Manhattan, New York City, NY, U.S.A.

"Leukemia comes from left Nābhī, when your Gṛuhalakṣhmī is ruined.
The Deity of Gṛuhalakṣhmī is Fāṭimah Bi, the daughter of Muhammad Sāhab. While the daughter of ... the sister of Nāṇak Sāhab is on the left Nā... left Viśhuddhi. You'll see that. Nāṇakī."
1983-0131 Public Program, Day 2, The Nābhī Chakra, N.D.M.C. Park, Hanumān Road, New Delhi, India

"Also, at the time of the Prophets, Mahālakṣhmī incarnates as a pure relationship with Them. Like Rāja Janaka's daughter was Jānakī, means Sītā, uh uh uh ... then She came on this Earth as the daughter of Muhammad Sāhab, and then She came on this Earth as Nāṇakī, the sister of Nāṇaka. So, She ... She resides as a pure relationship of these Gurus.
Thus, the Mahālakṣhmī's greatest ... greatness is that: through Her Power only the Suṣhumṇā is covered by Kuṇḍalinī. She is the power of our evolution. And by Her Power only, we have risen to be human beings, and by Her Son's Power, we are going to become higher people.
Thus the importance of Mahālakṣhmī is very great for all the Sahaja Yogis. Because She guides our Viṣhṇu Tattwa to its culmination, to its completion, which is the Principle of our Evolution. Thus She is a Giver of Dharma, She gives us the dharma, and She is the Giver of the Truth. She's the One who relates us to our brain. The whole brain's system is Mahālakṣhmī's system. So, it is She who exposes the whole of the knowledge as truth to us, on our central nervous system.
But at the State of Virāṭa, when Śhrī Kṛiṣh... uh ... when Viṣhṇu becomes the Virāṭa, the Great Primordial Being, then She is called as Virāṭaṅganā, as His Power.
So these are the Incarnations, of Mahālakṣhmī, about which I have told you."

1984-0908 Śhrī Mary Mahālakṣhmī Pūjā, Münich, Germany

"In no Incarnation a male has come without a female. Christ came, He had His Mother. When Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa came, He had to have Rādhā. When Rāma came, Sītā was there. When Nāṇaka came, there had to be Nāṇakī. When Janaka came, He had to have Jānakī, as His daughter. When Muhammad Sāhab came, He had to have His daughter, Fāṭimah. They could not do without the Power because they are just the kinetic energy.
But when the Goddess came, She came alone. Because She has a Power to contain within Herself all the Powers."
1985-0601 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, The Role of Women in America, Tent, Backyard, House of Judy Gaddy, 442 Liberty Road, Englewood, NJ, U.S.A.

"Now this sisterly relationship existed in other Incarnations also. Like Muhammad Sāhab had a sisterly relationship ... uh-uh-uh ... with, actually, what we have to say, that: His sister as such was ʿAlī's wife, but She was born to Him as a daughter.
So, They can be born as a daughter or as the sister. She was born as Nāṇaka's sister, Nāṇakī. She was born as the daughter of Muhammad Sāhab. So, it could be a sister or could be the daughter of an Incarnation.
But daughter and sister are innocent, pure chastity.
Now think of it: that those people who cannot understand the importance of chastity, how can they talk of any laws whatsoever? Because laws means maryādās. And it has the proper sense through the Power of Viṣhṇumāyā."
1985-0901 Śhrī Viṣhṇumāyā Pūjā, Southlands College, University of Roehampton, Wimbledon, London, UK

"So when we read about the Devī, about Her Incarnations – how She came on this Earth to save Her bhaktas, people who were trying to ascend, to cross this Bhavasāgara, how She worked hard, how She fought the devils, how She cough... She killed the demons, single-handed – She took upon Herself the responsibility of making the people cross the Bhavasāgara.
Guru gave you the strength to have dharma but She is the One who brought you out. Even those who were dhārmik could not do it because of the demonic pressure. She's the One who fought, single-handed, with Her Powers of destruction. In Her Love for you She fought. She brought you to this level.
And then She took a milder form of Incarnation. Even during the time of all the Gurus, She took the Form of, as you know: Jānakī was the daughter of Janaka, then Fāṭimah was the daughter of Muhammad Sāhab, and Nāṇakī was the sister of Nāṇaka. In those Forms, these Powers s... sustained and nourished the Guru Tattwa. And later on, or sometimes simultaneously, They incarn-ated in milder forms to help human beings to rise."
1985-1019 Navarātri Pūjā (cusp between the 6th Day and 7th Day), Complete Dedication, Gymnasium, Weggis (19 kms E of Luzern on Luzern Lake), Switzerland

"Now let us see how many Incarnations we've had of Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī. Firstly, the Principle of Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī is very close with a Guru ... a relation of plenty of love and purity. Now if we see from the beginning with all the Ādi Gurus, She was born to them as a daughter or as a sister. Like the daughter of Janaka was Śhrī Sītā: She was the form of Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī, was the Principle of Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī. Sītā was Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī, and She was the daughter of Janaka. Then the sister of Śhrī Nāṇaka, Nāṇakī, She was Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī. Her relation was of sister. In the same way, the daughter of Muhammad Sāhib, Fāṭimah, She was Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī. After Her, Rādhā: Rādhā was the form of Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī. After Her, Mary: Mary was Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī, and Her relation was of purity. She was so pure that with Her purity She gave birth to Śhrī Christ. So She was a form of complete pure Virgin. And as She was a form of Virgin, because of Her purity She got a Son pure as Christ. So She was also Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī."
1986-0106 Śhrī Mahālakṣhmī Pūjā (English+Marathi+English), Ascent Is the Main Attention, Sangli, Maharashtra, India

"Yet again He took birth as Guru Nāṇak, founder of the Sikh religion, whose sister was Nāṇakī (Jānakī, i.e., Sītā)."
The Book of Ādi Śhakti, Chapter 2: Divine Incarnations – Ambassadors of God

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!