50 Years of Sahaja Yoga in the World (50 Years of the Opening of the Sahasrāra Chakra), Post 15

2 minute read


Sahaja Yoga Is The Solution And That I Am The Chosen One For That Solution

"When your Mother is the Deity of Sahasrāra, the only way to be able to keep the Sahasrāra open has to be complete surrendering.
But now this Religion has been established, [so] we cannot have black spots any more. We've done all the choosing, the training, everything, and you all have to jump into the boat now! There's no more time left for us to dilly-dally: those who will be left behind will be left behind. It's a very intense period now, you must understand. The intensity of the period is not by the way. Is not any more Sahaj Yog, it is Mahā Yoga now. And you have to become Mahā, you have to become great, otherwise you cannot be there. You have to jump out of all these things.
Is not a matter of convenience to come to Sahaja Yoga. It's a Sahasrār Day! You have to cross the Himalayas. If you read the lives of the people who tried to travel up to Kailāśha, you will know what hardships they have gone through. I've taken you very sweetly, delicately up to that point, but don't get spoiled by that. You'll all fizzle out into thin air unless and until you are in the Nirvikalpa State.
Everything in Sahaja Yoga cannot be explained. I cannot explain, I cannot, because you don't have those powers to understand.
Now, if you are grown-up people, you have to become responsible for this Mahā Yoga and for this Great Dharma that we have established: the Dharma that Integrates all the Dharmas, the Dharma that purifies anybody who comes near. Is the Ocean of all the Rivers. All the rivers flow to this Great Ocean of Vishwa Dharma.
There are many who think like that, that Sahaja Yoga is the solution and that I am the Chosen One for that solution, such people should only come tomorrow. Otherwise, all such people who think this kind, even now, please, forgive Me. I want you to forgive Me. I cannot have you for Sahasrāra Pūjā: is too much for Me to work, with such adamant, nonsensical people here! I don't want such adamant, nonsensical people to come."
1985-0504 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Nirvikalpa, the day before Sahasrāra Pūjā, Laxenburg Castle, Vienna, Austria

Links to suggested talk: vimeo, vimeo2, youtube

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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