50 Years of Sahaja Yoga in the World (50 Years of the Opening of the Sahasrāra Chakra), Post 16

4 minute read


Sahaja Yoga Is A Commitment And Complete Involvement

"So far I had told you not to talk about Sahaja Yoga very openly, blatantly, but now the time has come. We waited long for these days. Now you have to all start talking about it, announcing about it and telling about it to everyone. Otherwise, the world would say that, 'We never knew about it.'
No use counting your miracles. You've had enough miracles to prove that you are Sahaja Yogis and that you are helped by the Param[a]chaitanya. But now know how much of that Paramachaitanya you are going to use yourself, how you are going to maneuver it and how you are going to work out.
This is the New Era we are starting from today. And this is the day I was waiting for all of you to realize that you are not Sahaja Yogis for only your selfish ends, nor for your families, nor for your communities, nor for your country, but for the whole world. Expand yourself. You must have that vision before you -- that I have put many a times before you people -- that you have to emancipate the humanity.
There's only one confession that, I am a Sahaja Yogi and now, after twenty-first of Sahasrāra, I am a Mahāyogi.' This is the confession you have to make. And no more of all these out-of-date things that people tell Me about your family's life and all mundane, nonsensical things. We have given them up. And we have come to Sahaja Yoga for our ascent. We have achieved our ascent, and now for what? For what? Have achieved our ascent is to emancipate human beings, to help them out of the mire of ignorance, of darkness.
But these are very, very mundane things uh which may give us little pleasures here and there, but the main thing is, 'How many people we give Realization to.' Whether you are a woman, whether you are man, whether you are a father, whether you are a mother, whether you are a child or a grown-up, everybody has to see, 'How many people we can give Realization to, how much we can announce about Sahaja Yoga.' That's the main thing.
Sahaja Yoga is not by the way. And it happens [that it becomes 'by the way']. Like, when I went to Australia, I was surprised that Sahaja Yoga, which was such a prime thing for them, suddenly became by the way.
So Sahaja Yoga is a commitment. Is a commitment and complete involvement. Otherwise you are really useless for Sahaja Yoga, absolutely useless. Is better to have few people who are committed than to have thousands who are just useless.
So, let us see what you have decided for yourself and what you have decided for Sahaja Yoga. If you have decided to opt for Sahaja Yoga, then just know that this is the main thing which you have to do. The whole attention should be on that.
So now, as you are Mahāyogis, we have to make it a Mahā Yoga. And unless and until that level is achieved by you, then we should think that you are still backdated and I don't know, in the turning of the wheel, how many will be left there.
Now don't doubt yourself and just go full ahead with all the maryādās of Sahaja Yoga.
So, the maryādā has to be there. Except that the Moral Maryādās and also of Behavioral Maryādās, there are not many maryādās in Sahaja Yoga.
There has been nothing written about Sahasrāra before. In none of the Scriptures Sahasrāra is described. Nobody knew anything about Sahasrāra. They just left it as the seventh chakra, finished. They could only go up to Āgñyā and nothing has been written about Sahasrāra so far. And there is no, no mantras written about Sahasrāra. So we have to now write Sahasrāra mantra.
It is a very surprising that even the photographs of Sahasrāras have appeared now for you to see that your Sahasrāras are opening. And that is a something [that] never happened before in the whole spiritual history and nobody could write about it because they never saw this Sahasrāra.
Now, for you, it is important to see that you have something so unique with you. But only thing what you need is a courage and a complete commitment to go forward with this propagation of Sahaja Yoga, announcement of Sahaja Yoga."
1990-0506 Sahasrāra Pūjā, Fiuggi, Italy

Links to suggested talk: vimeo, youtube

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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