50 Years of Sahaja Yoga in the World (50 Years of the Opening of the Sahasrāra Chakra), Post 25

1 minute read


I Have To Be Absolutely, Completely Submerged In Sahaj Yog

"And that kind of a feeling should be within us that, 'I am a person who is sinking because of myself. And if I am to be saved, I have to be absolutely, completely submerged in Sahaj Yog. Absolutely I have to become one with it, then only I can be saved.'
Because at this level, where you are realized Souls of a higher level, now for a next jump, as I was saying to you, is devotion. Anything else has to be secondary, under the circumstances. If it is primary and your attention is still on that, then you cannot have this second jump. First jump you have already done, you have got your Realization. But from first se... jump to second jump, you've worked hard, you have come to the second jump. In the second jump you have to face it up. You should not feel disgusted with yourself, nor dejected with you... yourself, or nothing. But treat yourself as a separate entity.
But for that, a real purification is needed: about facing yourself fully, in dedication. Means you are holding on to your Mother, you are holding on to Sahaja Yoga, you are holding on to that Truth which you have found out. And here you are facing others.
Try to learn English language, and also understand Sahaja Yoga mentally. That's important. Because you have to explain to people, talk to them. Because you talk, but it ... it makes no sense on other people if you are not mentally equipped to it. Those who are just attached to Sahaja Yoga with heart, must equip themselves also with mind. Must understand Sahaja Yoga with mind, is very important. And those who only understand it with mind should understand it through heart."
1982-0806 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Complete Dedication and Complete Devotion or Dedication and Devotion to Me Mean Actually Turning Back and Facing to Yourself (The Importance of Dedication and Devotion), Nirmala Palace Āśhram, 99 Nightingale Lane, Balham, South West London, UK

Links to suggested talk: vimeo, youtube

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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