35 Years of Vishwa Nirmala Dharma in the World and in U.S.A., Post 14
But Not Only Religion But Vishwa Nirmal Dharm Which Is A Much Higher Religion Than The Ordinary Religion Of Human Beings
"There have been lots of horrible things against the Real Religion of Ascent. And a [the] Kṛiṣhṇa has said, "Whenever there is the decline of religion," which is true today very much, "and whenever there is the Saints being tortured, I come on this Earth to save the Saints, and to destroy all the negative forces and the devils," as you call them rākṣhasas. Duṣhṭas they are called as, cruel people they are [unclear]. So, awakening of Kṛiṣhṇa is very important, that within us He should arise, and He should manifest His qualities within us. Then only the forces will work.
So, as far as I am [with the right hand raised and fingers stretched towards the Sahaja Yogis:] concerned, I only think that: as long as I live -- I don't know, I may live forever, I am living forever, maybe, you might say that -- but whatever it is, as long as I'm on this Earth, I ... I will see that Sahaja Yoga is fully established. This is My promise to you.
[After 11 seconds with the right palm lowered and not any more stretched:] Saṃsthāpanārthāya. He ... He comes on this Earth again to establish the Religion. But not only religion but Vishwa Nirmal Dharm, which is a much higher religion than the ordinary religion of human beings. Within themselves is the Vishwa Nirmal Dharma we'll establish in a very short time, I'm sure, on this Earth."
1990-0819 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Hallowtree Scout Campsite, Nacton, Ipswich IP10 0JP, UK
Links to suggested talk or full Pūjā: vimeo, youtube
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
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