35 Years of Vishwa Nirmala Dharma in the World and in U.S.A., Post 16
Sahaja Yoga Is The Culmination Of All The Religions
"Sahaja Yoga is the culmination of all the religions. As Muhammad Sāhab also has said, "You have to be a Walī."
Recently this Dalai Lama -- he is a beggar, he's begging everywhere money, you see. He has got so many wrinkles that you can count them. [Laughs.] He said, surprisingly, that, "We cannot have One Universal Religion because we are all different people." Because they want to fight. Because if you have One Religion, then who will fight who? They want to fight and kill others. So this 'great power' of killing others will be lost once you become One Religion. So he says, "We don't believe in Universal Religion. We are all different people." How are we different?"
1992-0915 Public Talk to a Group of about 20 Iranians, Āśhram, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
Links to suggested talk: vimeo, youtube
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
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