50 Years of Sahaja Yoga in the World (50 Years of the Opening of the Sahasrāra Chakra), Post 27
Sahaja Yoga Is As Ancient As This Universe Is
"So, Sahaja Yoga today is the thing which proves what has been said so far. It proves. Is not just a cock and bull story. Because people do not believe into all these things. They think that, `It's all cock and bull story. Who was Christ? Who was Kṛiṣhṇa? Who was Rādhā? After all, there was no God.'
But only in Sahaja Yoga, today, we can prove it, that what we say is the Truth.
Now, we must say that Sahaja Yoga, as it is today, is the most ancient thing. It started with the Universe. And now the culmination pound ... point has come, because it's a living process.
As you see a flower on the tree, it's it says, the first new flower. But the flower has come out of a seed, which has got the roots, then it became the trunk, then it became the leaves, and then it has now become a flower. So though it looks a new flower, it has a big heritage.
In the same way, Sahaja Yoga is as ancient as this universe is.
So the task of Sahaja Yoga is to establish the Truth within yourself. It is not that we can have a membership. We cannot have a person enroll into it, we cannot call them as uh-uh-uh branded Sahaja Yogis: is the growth of the person that is to be seen."
1983-0918 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Bring Out the Potential of This Country by Exciting the Deities, Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Himself (He's to Be Pleased) and The Task of Sahaja Yoga Is to Establish the Truth within Yourself, House of Dr. Vinod Worlikar, 17301 Maria Avenue, Cerritos (32 kms SE of Los Angeles), CA, U.S.A.
Links to suggested talk: vimeo, youtube
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
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