50 Years of Sahaja Yoga in the World (50 Years of the Opening of the Sahasrāra Chakra), Post 28

2 minute read


First Sign Of Being Sahaja Yogi Is To Have A Very Cheerful Disposition

"This has been the month of warnings somehow, uh because certain things I have been seeing in people, how it happens and how people get into problems, how our inner be-ing is disturbed, and why sometimes Sahaja Yoga fails within you. One must understand the dangers we face as human beings. "
The greatest danger comes to people when, after getting Realization also, they do not have faith in Sahaja Yoga. It's the greatest danger, because that's your anchorage, that's the way you are saved.
But the faith, faith in Sahaja Yoga, is the only [way] you can rise and understand and move and grow with it. The faith has to be so great that nothing should disturb you.
The understanding of Sahaja Yoga is not mental, I told you yesterday: is not mental understanding. You cannot understand it through brains. If you try to understand it through brains, you get away from it. Because you cannot explain how it works out. It's a miraculous thing, it's a mystery. It's a mystery. God is a mystery for man, will remain a mystery to a point, but he [man] can become His Power. He can become an instrument of His Power.
First sign of being Sahaja Yogi is to have a very cheerful disposition.
If you have faith in Sahaja Yoga, then you must know you are here for a tremendous work of human emancipation.
The faith is the strength of Sahaja Yoga, not the brainwaves that you have about it.
In Sahaja Yoga there is no restriction, there is no compulsion, there is no membership I can say. There is no way of uh allying you with Sahaj Yog, no, nothing. It's your freedom, complete freedom. Your freedom is to be worshiped and to be respected. I mean, if you have to achieve the ... achieve the highest of the highest, you have to be absolutely free because that is the complete freedom you have to achieve.
1980-0908 Public Program, The Dangers We face as Human Beings and Faith in Sahaja Yoga Is the Only Way You Can Rise and Understand and Move and Grow with It (The Faith Is the Strength of Sahaja Yoga), Caxton Hall, 10 Caxton Street, Westminster, London, UK

Links to suggested talk: audio

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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