Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 3

2 minute read


Your Identity Is That You Are Sahaj Yogis

"But the other part of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa is completely missing here: is the Divine Discretion.
Also, the basic principle then [by] which this country became democratic was that: this government is for the people, of the people, by the people. [The 272 words Gettysburg Address of President Abraham Lincoln on the battlefield near Gettysburg, PA, on 1863-1119, ends with: "and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."] So, it has to be people-oriented. But democracy, at this stage without Realization, cannot work out. It's obvious.
So, the democracy that was started or was spelled out by Abraham Lincoln is no more there: it's a money-oriented thing. And it has generated such a bad atmosphere all over the world that in the whole world, now, the conservatives, the people who think they are conservatives, who are money-oriented people, who don't care for people at all, how are becoming the leaders, everywhere.
But, you see, they ... the way people are: always looking for comfort, always looking for comfort, and like to have smooth life. And the smoothness has made them so boring. I mean their life is really boring. And a person who has a boring life cannot have a vision, cannot.
If He was a Deity and He's the One who is the ruler of this area, then what should we be? In Yoga we should be masters! Not mentally but at that state, of the higher state.
So your identity is that you are Sahaj Yogis and you have to use the Power of Yogeśhwara, Who is the Presiding Deity of this country.
You were born in this country because the Yogeśhwara wanted you to be here and He has blessed you with all the bounties of His Love. Now, it is for you to use that tremendous power, but without love you cannot.
Because He was the embodiment of mādhurya, sweetness, sweetness, that mādhurya you have to imbibe and that mādhurya you have to spread."
1990-0528 Śhrī Haṃsa Chakra Pūjā, The Divine Discretion and Seek Your Depth (In Yoga We Should Be Masters), YMCA Camp Marston, 4761 Pine Hills Road, Julian (near San Diego), CA, U.S.A.

Links to suggested talk: vimeo

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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