Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 4 on the International Shri Mahakali Puja Weekend
All Activity Must Be Surrendered For This Goal
"Now we must understand the Mahākālī is in totality is the reflection of Ādi Śhakti, in totality. Or we can call it that Ādi Śhakti is in charge, She's managing all these Three Powers, but Her manifestation in totality is Mahākālī, in the sense that it is the Desire of God Almighty.
So first She's Ādi Śhakti in charge of all the Three Powers, and that's why we can say that, when She is in a potential stage, She is Mahākālī.
And then She divides Herself into two other forces: as Mahāsaraswatī and the ascending force that we call, or as a parasympathetic nervous system expressed in us is the Mahālakṣhmī Principle.
So She has actually all these forces in Herself. But Kālī has all these forces but She manifests, She desires to act, and when She wants to act Her potential force becomes these two other forces.
So when we do the Pūjā of Mahākālī, we must understand that inbuilt within this force within us is desire.
But the Mahākālī Force is the one which is working out the constructive force. But in that constructive force only there has to be destruction. Because if you are constructing something and there is destruction which is trying to destroy your construction, then you have to destroy that destructive person.
And this is what people sometimes misunderstand and they think that Mahākālī Force is negative force or is a force of destruction. It is! But in a very positive way. And if you understand this part of Mahākālī Force then you will understand that if you have desires to construct yourself properly in Sahaja Yoga, then you should also have the desire to destroy whatever is standing against your construction.
So, in Sahaja Yoga when we desire something, we must know what do we desire: first fix your goal, and then relate it to that.
So, for all Sahaja Yogis it is necessary to first of all, early in the morning, while taking the name of Gaṇeśha, must say, `What is My desire? This is My goal. This is what it is. All activity must be surrendered for this goal.'
Some people get married, in Sahaja Yoga also, they have a desire to marry, have children, this thing, but in that also they get fixed up. Marriage is not the end. Is just one of the means to be balanced."
1989-0619 Śhrī Mahākālī Pūjā, Desire and Our Goal Is to Ascend, San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
Links to suggested talk: vimeo
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
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