Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 29

4 minute read


Saintliness Has To Be Complete

"First is the krodha. Anybody who wants to be a Saint should know that anger, this krodha, should have no place. An[d] how do you do it? You, first of all, witness yourself how you behave.
Then the second thing would be: take out the anger upon yourself. As we have in Sahaja Yoga, we write down our own names and beat it.
So the first, the Witness State has to be developed. For a Sahaja Yogi is very important to develop a Witness State.
So now you should see: what are you worried about? Are you worried about people who have problems, who are no good, for whom you cannot say that they'll be Sahaja Yogis, or you are enjoying the people who have got Sahaja Yoga?
In Sahaja Yoga there is, everything is sahaj, is spontaneous. You are not to be austere. You should not be particular.
Sahaja Yoga is not to conquer others or to control others, but to conquer yourself.
Sahaja Yoga is free, of course. No doubt: Sahaja Yoga is free. But you have to contribute. How are we to run this Sahaj Yog? There's no sense of donation in you, at all. For a guru, one must know how to donate. I am surprised sometimes: there is no sense of donation.
To believe that you are Sahaja Yogi, you are sadly mistaken. Your attention so much: you'll go to hairdressers, you'll do all kinds of things, but for Sahaja Yoga you have no money.
Today, as everybody has said, ''Mother, You should be little stern, You must tell," I am telling you this. Your progress will be very slow.
But you even forget to give bandhans. You even forget to raise your Kuṇḍalinī. You even forget to give vibrations.
So, to mature, first of all you should know you are now Sahaja Yogis, and that you can control the whole situation if you are one with this All-pervading Power. Is very simple.
And I have seen what is happening: that people are only expecting all kinds of miracles from Sahaja Yoga, all kind of help from Sahaja Yoga, but they never think, 'What help are we doing? What are we achieving? Where are we?'
So, at the Āgñyā, again, you people have to be extremely, extremely careful. Now this is for men: if you have not crossed your Āgñyā and you start spreading Sahaja Yoga, then you can become really a funny person, not a Sahaja Yogi. This leadership business is a myth. And this myth must be seen as a myth. Whether you are leader or not leader makes no difference. But the maturity has to come.
Today, I think for the first time, I have been able to tell something to you which I was hesitating always, that, 'Let it be, just now they are still little babies, it's all right.' But now, after this you have to grow: grow in every way.
In the same way is Sahaja Yoga. Because there is a, if you may call it a defect, Sahaja Yoga is not a military thing: is just plain, simple, Mother's Love. And of course every Mother wants Her child is to be great! To have all Her Powers She wants that, no doubt. How She does it, how She works it out is Her own problem. But how you take it and how you use it is your own problem.
I always bow to you people who have got Realization, because I think so many Saints were never there on this Earth. But the Saintliness has to be complete. Without that you cannot help even your family, leave alone your country, and no question of the whole world.
So what is needed now is to raise your awakening, to raise your spirituality, to go into a realm of complete support and surrender to the movement of this spontaneous movement of Sahaja Yoga.
In short, you must worship your Self -- in short."
1994-0724 Guru Pūjā, Mature through Your Meditation in Nirvichāritā and Absolute Truth Is Absolute Love (What You Should Do or In Short You Must Worship Your Self), Tent, Cabella Ligure, Alessandria, Italy

Links to suggested talk: vimeo

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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