Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 30

3 minute read


Personality Of A Rare Quality

"The word guru comes from 'the one which is magnetic'. The person who is magnetic, the one which attracts the attention of the seekers, is the guru. Also it means 'the heaviness' or, you can say: a person who is very steady, who is very deep, who has the knowledge and who can act like the Mother Earth.
This gravity has to be in a guru. Gravity means a kind of a serious understanding of oneself and one's own responsibilities. So, a guru has to be very steady.
A person who has gravity doesn't get depressed, neither get[s] excited, nor get[s] overly enthusiastic, nor is he very sad or unhappy. So he is in the center, he is in the center of his being.
First and foremost thing, for Sahaja Yogis, it is important that they must have introspection. They must watch themselves.
If a person uh runs about, changing because a fashion has come, because people have suppressed them or have asked them, just to please people of cheap values, if a person changes, then he cannot be a guru. He has to station itself ... himself properly on the values of Sahaja Yoga.
Without introspection you will not know: you will never remember what you have done wrong, nor will you think of what you have to do right. But that is only possible if you go on improving yourself.
You have come here only to achieve a great life of spirituality of becoming a guru.
Firstly a guru cannot be fussy man, first and foremost thing: 'I want this house,' 'I want that thing,' 'I can't like this,' 'I can't like that.' If a person who does not know how to get detached from all these habits, he cannot be a guru. How can he ascend?
First and foremost is that he has to be beyond time. He should not worry about time.
So, what is the greatest thing you have to achieve? Your detachment.
But again, you go to the right or to the left, again right to the left. This is not a very good uh [laughs] attitude, I think, towards life, that you get bound by one of these guṇas or you are all the time like a pendulum, moving from left to right, right to left. So you have to be a steady person.
So, collectivity is to be learned very well: how to be collective, how to be nice to each other. Because, later on, when you become the guru, when you have to guide the people, you will know what are the problems of the collectivity are. Also you will know how to overcome that, how to make collectivity perfect. And once you learn that thing, you will be amazed that you have mastered the art of being a guru.
Once you understand the importance, then you will dedicate yourself to become a personality of a rare quality. Is very difficult, as people something say, but I think is the easiest thing to be, because that's the most comfortable way of living in life.
But it's for your own ascent, for your higher life that you give up all these ideas of leadership and this and that.
So many times I have explained to you that your own development, your own correction, your own position in Sahaja Yoga will say what you are. Whatever others may say doesn't matter. What you say about yourself truly, truthfully is the reality. And you must face yourself all the time."
1998-0712 Guru Pūjā, You Must Learn Obedience (You Become Extremely Humble, Obedient), Hangar (now Nirmal Temple), Albera Ligure, Alessandria, Italy

Links to suggested talk: vimeo

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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