Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 31

3 minute read


Absolutely Drawn Into Sahaja Yoga

"So I was not surprised that She was there, but exactly sixteen hundred times She passed it, this part of Vancouver, is to show that the time has come for you to understand that Sahaja Yoga is so important, and if we do not assert ourselves fully to Sahaja Yoga, Viṣhṇumāyā is going to take another form which may burn all your forest, may burn everything.
So on one way, She has proved My coming here, that I'm here.
Perhaps maybe to the people who are aboriginals, they might understand: that this is what prophesi... was prophesized, and that has happened. And also, that you people have to realize: it's a warning! That you cannot just allow Sahaja Yoga to drift in such a manner that it takes its own course, and works out, and you are just by the way there.
So this is a warning of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa's sister, Viṣhṇumāyā, which is Saraswatī Herself. And that is what today we are going to worship Her.
Only the Sahaja Yogis, those who are enlightened people, can worship Mahāsaraswatī. Otherwise, people can only worship Saraswatī because, with worship of Saraswatī, you can read books, you can uh-uh-uh create dances, music for the amusement of human beings. But actually, the Saraswatī Pūjan is meant for uh people of ordinary uh-uh-uh awareness, means: ordinary or normal human awareness. But for Sahaja Yogis, it is the Mahāsaraswatī which is to be worshiped.
Saraswatī is uh-uh-uh different from Lakṣhmī. So, the Lakṣhmī and the Saraswatī never go hand in hand.
This is the reason why, when they get after Lakṣhmī, run after money too much, they get shocks.
So these two things are in balance only in Haṃsa. Or we can say they are in balance when you are a Sahaja Yogi. So this a ... has to be achieved and is to be uh put together in balance: that you have the blessings of Saraswatī as well as that of Lakṣhmī. But it crosses only at the Haṃsa point and at the Viśhuddhi point. So, what do we have to do to bring the balance is that: whatever uh we are earning, whatever we are doing, we should not be in a mediocre way. We should try to do it in a dynamic way, in a fiery way. These two things should be combined at the Viśhuddhi level.
So, this is the trouble i... is that: I have make ... to do all kinds of deliberations for human beings, that, 'All right, do this, do that, do that.' But I would say that spontaneously it should happen, because now we are one. Just like the nature is one with Me, you are also one with Me. And that will, should start happening when you will really become absolutely drawn into Sahaja Yoga, surrendered into Sahaja Yoga. Then only it will happen."
1990-0811 Śhrī Saraswatī Pūjā, Inform People like the Viṣhṇumāyā Does what Sahaja Yoga Is with Your Fiery Talks (Go All Out and Become Fiery), Tent, Grounds, Āśhram, Lyons Bay (near Vancouver), BC, Canada

Link to suggested talk: vimeo

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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