Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 33

2 minute read


Emit Such Powers That Others Will Be Able To Establish Their Śhrī Gaṇeśha In This Country

"Today in the land of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa we are celebrating the Birthday of Śhrī Gaṇeśh. Is something very unprecedented and of a very significant value that you should be celebrating the Birthday of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa's Son in His own land. You know that Śhrī Gaṇeśha incarnated on this Earth as Mahāviṣhṇu, and He was the Son of Rādhā, who incarnated as Lord Jesus Christ. So by celebrating this Birthday, today you are recognizing the Greatest Truth that Lord Jesus Christ was the Son of Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa.
When you's ... take your Viśhuddhi upward like that, you see the result of that in this country which is the country of Viśhuddhi chakra. That you started going to machines which are against nature, extracting the nature, disturbing the nature by creating uh-uh-uh atomic bombs, by changing the atom, breaking it. That means you went against the nature itself by raising your head. But if it was done in complete surrender to God, with your bent head towards the Mother Earth, it would not have harmed you. But when you completely cut off yourself from that nature, which is so bountiful, which is so gracious -- yesterday you saw the beautiful pictures of the nature that surrounds you in this country. Such a rich country like America, without any gratitude towards its Creator, raised its head upward: that's how the Viśhuddhi problems started coming up.
Now He is not the only son I have. I have so many sons and daughters. And I have made you in the same way as I created Śhrī Gaṇeśh, without the Father, on My own.
To your Mother nothing but purity of heart and purity of your body is going to please. Anything that is impure has to be thrown away. My name itself means purity.
But understand that it is vital that you people who are Sahaja Yogis should establish Śhrī Gaṇeśh, which is a silent Power within you, doesn't talk. It's a silent Power, which acts. Just a Power that's dynamic, without any noise, without any show.
And that is what I would say that today when I have said all these things from My heart, you the Sahaja Yogis will establish Śhrī Gaṇeśha within you. And from you, you will emit such powers that others will be able to establish their Śhrī Gaṇeśha in this country."
1986-0907 Śhrī Gaṇeśha Pūjā, Establishing Śhrī Gaṇeśha Principle, Holmes Lodge, YMCA Camp Marston, 4761 Pine Hills Road, Julian (near San Diego), CA, U.S.A.

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Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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