Celebrating 40 Years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, Canada, Italy and U.S.A. and its Culture, Post 34

2 minute read


The Greatest Property Within Us Is The Innocence

"We have heard about Truth many a times, that people have said that, ``God is Love and God is Truth." If that is so, then Love has to be the Truth.
Now the problem of today, everywhere, all over the world, is only very simple, can be brought to one little point, can be said ... [after 11 seconds:] that there is a moral crisis: complete moral crisis in the whole world. What is the reason for this kind of a crisis? We should go into the causes of that. The cause of this crisis is: that we have lost our sustainance [sustenance].
Our evolution has stopped, at a point, now, when we are really going in a linear way towards destruction, whatever may be your government, whatever may be the style of your government, whatever may be your thinking and intellectualisms. What you have to do: is to build up a sustainance [sustenance] within you by which you rise higher, jump onto a higher level of awareness, a higher level of consciousness, which will give you that understanding of each other.
Now, if this center can be awakened, one can become tremendously, tremendously creative. And the creativity it is managed by wisdom, which has a universal, universal support behind it. Because [turning and touching the sacrum bone on the Chakra Chart:] when the Kuṇḍalinī rises, [sliding upwards Her left middle finger along the central channel of the Chakra Chart:] She touches that [pointing to the Sahasrāra chakra on the Chakra Chart:] Universal Point, and the light [sliding down:] came [from the] Universality flows into your creativity, and you create tremendous thing, just like I would say uh, if you have seen the Sistine Chapel of Michelangelo. Because Michelangelo was a realized Soul.
So, this center, which is very important, is the center of innocence. And that is within us. And this center, if it is neglected, we really reduce most of our sustainance [sustenance] part. If innocence is attacked, then our sustainance [sustenance] is lost. This is the most important thing that we have, the greatest property within us: is the innocence.
But all effort is made, by all so-called advancements we are doing, is to destroy this innocence.
And once you start destroying this innocence, a person becomes immune. He doesn't feel. He loses the sensitivity, even to Divinity and to greatness."
1983-1007 Public Program (2nd Day of Navarātri), Day 1, Toronto, ON, Canada

Link to suggested talk: youtube

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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